Arena Balance for healing

Do you guys think healing in Arena is balanced at the moment?
I feel like on some classes it is so hard too heal atm especially vs Evoker or Disc priest.
The rounds are really fast also, it feels like there is just too much dmg on some classes. I wanted to play my holy priest but it feels like i cant even heal the burst dmg with my strongest heals. Im not the best player but this season feels so bad too heal so far. Do you guys agree or am im wrong? Also are there more meele players atm or why do i get so many warr, dk and rogu?


Healers are not balanced. Disc and Pres are ahead of other healers. They have no difficulty keeping people up and recovering when low. They rarely have mana issues. On top of that, their damage needs to be looked at.


Nice chatgpt bait, but you forgot to mention you’re multi-combatant exp so that blizzard listens to your feedback.

okay, I thought so. the extra dmg is really hard to heal in my opinion.

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sorry, i dont really understand what you are saying. what is a chatgpt bait?

Oh, you weren’t trolling, I just misunderstood the post, sorry about that. Yeah, I was playing some 2s today at 1.8+ and after getting outdamaged by a disco three times I decided I just ain’t touching rated for the time being XD

You can heal it unless people die in like a GCD but you’ll go oom before a preservation evoker does.

hp is trash in pvp at moment

Strenght of Disc priest comes from fact that is only healer which can turn noobs into gods, no matter how DPS player is bad with priest its always possible to see win screen, because his toolkit is ultimate to fix mistakes which are usually automatic lose with any other healer… I was never fan of such a gameplay tho, because those guys reach high ratting with priest then want to play with other healers, than we can see 2k ratting and 1500 skill… Priest actualy propels people where they DO NOT BELONG.

Strentght of Dragon come from misery of resto druid and holy paladins, his buff removal is overtuned and counters hard, while nor resto druid nor paladin have adequate mechanic to counteract this… Also dragons have no weakness which is not good concept for PvP

I feel like both hpal and rdruid ooms too fast to ever win against disc or pres atm.
Haven’t played much restro, but the few times I won have been whitin 2min

From what i’v read on forums and what Venruki has said in some of his videos, I think certain classes excel better in different battlegrounds. For example Pres Evoker and Disc priests are apparantly doing great in 2v2 and 3v3 right now but arent shining so bright in BG blitz and rated BGs. MW monks and Resto Druids however are doing much better in BG scenarios but not so much in arenas.

And in terms of burst i feel like this expansion is MUCH more healer friendly. I didnt play in DF at all but Shadowlands was terrible. 1 class could literally 1 shot you or your team mate in 1 or 2 globals. Losing your team mate from 100% to dead in a global was really unfun imo

No. Never was, and never will be. Blizzard and balance are two separate things.
Well, except Boomkin.

Holy priest has such a good rotation. But its heals are very lacklustre in comparison to others. I also think Resto Druid is actually a very difficult healer to play compared to others, but if you master it its very strong. But yeah, Pres evoker and Disc priest (if the player is good) are very strong right now. Both pumping damage and over healing.

My favourite healer at the moment is Resto Shaman. It feels amazing and has so much in its toolkit.

I agree, I first time ever healed with dpriest and I did not know what dispel was or whatever and I got first season 1900 or smth. Then switched to rdruid, hard stuck 1400 + -. But it was long time ago, but seems its still true.

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