Arena Bug: Demon Hunter Disconnects when double-jumps

I have experienced this disconnect bug multiple times over my arena sessions as a Demon Hunter and although managed to come back from it a few times we have also tanked some rating because of it.

Could some Blue-posters give us some insight on what is the cause behind this? Is there a way to prevent this or perhaps would it be possible to simply not lose rating in case we disconnect due to this issue?

I appreciate that this is complicated matter when we boil it all the way down to the technical side of the game. It is simply very frustrating so I would love to hear some feedback on this.


Bugs are reported in-game. No blue can give you any information on it, as they are not the devs. They are customer support mostly :slight_smile:
If you log your issue in-game it will end up at the right department.

As solution: Don’t double jump. That is how I prevent from d/c

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I think this appears only if you spampress some DPS button while beeing ccd and doublejump directly after so the game things you are The Flash :smiley:


Thanks for the response guys! I shall report this issue in-game however I was wondering if there was officially know communication on this.

It is a shame that standard use of my character can result in a disconnect.

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