Arena is completely ridiculous atm

What is the point atm seriously?
Warriors - you can’t win unless maybe you’re a mage? CC - Stun. CC - Fear. CC - Pummel, and if you manage to fake it. well guess what… Bladestorm… Bladestorm ALL THE TIME!
Yeah I’m not a multi gladiator who might be able to handle a warrior like a real pro, but let’s face it… It seems like it’s only high rated people even on 1500-1600 rating. It’s UNPLAYABLE. Unless of course, you play no brain cleave… Warrior + DH / Retri / Windwalker / Hunter. Well if you’re a caster, you’re dead. Melee is so dominating it’s now just silly. What is the point?
Blizz keeps balancing warriors around mages it seems, so let’s make them practically immune to cc. Wonderful Blizzard. I really do wonder what your justifications are for making warriors this stupid. I refuse to play fotm setups just to progress. It shouldn’t be THAT bad but it is. And blizz again… You keep trying to push all kinds of solo stuff now. No. Balance your game and make it playable even if you’re not a solo addict. Ohh we’re blizzard, let’s introduce… PLUNDERSTORM!!! It’s so fun because now you get random abilities and you can unlock a VERY COOL!!! Transmog. Wow… Focus on what matters and balance the pvp.
Fix your game.


its been like this for almost a decade, yet, they will still claim everything is dominated by casters every season OR “first season caster not op” its always first season and its always the same story

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I completely agree with you mate. However I do feel that it’s gotten progressively worse ever since Legion. I feel before that, you could still play casters. And to some extent you still can, but in arena it’s difficult. I haven’t played my affliction since the latest changes, but I gotta say it’s painful to play. You cannot do anything but of course your portal + gate, but again they catch up so fast it’s just delaying your death by a few seconds. Everything stuns, everything is immune etc. I’ve gotten so frustrated now that I had to create this post because it’s again, painful to play now. It needs fixing.


I feel like I’m dominating when I m cc’d for 10 years in a coil fear fear fear stun shadowfury knock root root clone poly knock followed by: port / blink / alter / etc.

edit: all that while taking 120k DPS from several laser beams ofc

yea I think casters are fine


and fun to play against, but let me add one thing “they are also tanky :)”

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Please fix your mog !

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i wanted to look as good as bloodlock :frowning: i will change

It won’t kill a warrior if Avatar doesn’t trigger Bladestorm anymore but it is catered into it. : P

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Out of all the things you could complain about you complain about Arms warrior. I guess its too hard to cast clone and do 100k+ dps all game.


Arms is one of the most dominant melee across all brackts though.
He is right to complain about their bloated toolkit. Same with rogues really.


Be thankful that Arms is strong and not Fury.

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mate we boomies are s tier right now lol why are you complaining.

Are melees easier to play? Of course.

But many casters are really good right now. Boomy, affli, ele, demo, destro even mm, bm or most mage specs are solid.

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Yup arms and DH basically ruined this xpac.
arms even with not busted dmg is just annoying with two bladestorms that snare you and makes him immune not to mention two stuns, fear, two charges, leap, and reflect in case you were able to outplay him somehow… a 50% on demand MS is also very opressive with the 25% baked in MS makes your healer cry in silence. In the past you were able to handle warr as druid for example but now not only do they match your mobility, they even outheal you as hybrid :clown_face:

DH is another spec that made arena more of a pve tunnel until you win… like I have never seen healers get soloed by any spec like vs a DH at all its crazy not to mention the spec is very one dimentional its very hard NOT to do good dmg with it regardless how many CCs you get(also DHs skillfully dodging CCs by jumping around).

IMO the game should not reward zug zug pve tunnel gamestyle and clean setups need to be worth it again.

WW is also another spec that needs some tuning if you rotate your defensives correctly its very tanky + very good burst dmg and very good mobility.

The devs need to sit down and redefine spec identities again because many specs used to rely on setup or mobility or off healing etc… but if you keep giving everyone everything(like DH or arms) then it just makes it not worth it to play anything else

BTW what happened to thorns? everyone just ignores it now and just keeps hitting you in it? maybe only rogue has to use some defensives but DH and arms just keep going


destro without the previous tierset is really not that good. What made it good in last ssn was the tierset allowing you to dish dmg without much casting but this is not the case now.Aff on the other hand seems to take its place now same for demo. Fire mage if you dont play vs pet specs then its very manageable and arcane is hit or miss depending on the player

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Whats the difference? Arms being OP or fury? So I know for what to be thankful.


It’s a meme that arms is some gigabrain spec compared to fury. The problem with fury is that they can’t die if their cringe passive self heals are overtuned. So that would be why it’s usually preferable to have arms be the stronger spec.


I personally dont care if 3 button spec is OP or 40 buttons. Atm arms sticks like glue to target and just spins to win.

I rather face warriors than 2 IQ dh’s on steroids. Triple dh lobbies was a quite of experience


YES :+1:

The game is completely broken. There is far too much micro-CC, and you may as well just give every class in the game the same spells because the unequieness from classes is becoming nonexistent. Aside from that, people are using autohotkey to script kicks or parts of their rotation, and it’s killing arena, and there are no ban waves. What is happening fast enough for this to stop?