Arena Season 7 - Improvement ideas from a Gladiator

Hi, I am a wrath classic enjoyer and raid with my guild as well as do pvp arenas at a high level. Last season 5, and this season 6, me and my teammates achieved Gladiator (top 0.5%) titles in the 3v3 bracket. I also have a good understanding of the 2s and 5s bracket and the pvp scene as a whole in both wrath classic and retail. There is a few things that could change in the pvp scene of wrath classic going into arena season 7 that would make it better.

  1. The first thing being the faction imbalance, and it is clear that the top of the arena ladder is dominated by alliance. In the upcoming season, the Medallion of the Horde/Alliance does not get an upgrade, so it remains ilvl 226 until season 8 when a ilvl 264 comes. Horde has to use this trinket, while Alliance that has many human players can go 2x pve trinkets which are higher ilvl, even 258, and have a big advantage. Therefore, I suggest that an new iteration is implemented, a pvp trinket medallion of ilvl 245.

  2. The second thing that makes the cutting edge pvp scene less enjoyable is the occupation of Gladiator and Rank One spots of the same players and accounts. For someone outside their desired title range, this makes it even harder to achieve your goals, and fewer players get to enjoy the success. The same rule that was applied to retail from patch notes 10.0.7 should be applied to wrath classic and I cite:

End of Season PvP rewards will have the rank cutoff extended by duplicate/alt characters by the same player account for rated arenas, rated battlegrounds, and rated solo shuffle. For example, if the cutoff for Crimson Gladiator would equate to the top 100 characters and 5 of those characters are the same player, the cutoff will now be the top 104.

  1. One final thing is on the arena map Dalaran Sewers, where on one side of the boxes you can as a night elf, dranei, or troll female, jump from below and land on an invisible ledge, then jump again and get up on the platform. Also, any character that is mounted or affected with bloodlust can do this as well. This box jump should be removed.

So TL;DR improvements for arena season 7
-Implement pvp trinket medallion of ilvl 245
-Remove duplicate characters stacking on the ladder
-Remove Dalaran Arena box jump


You’re spot on with these suggestions. The imbalance with the trinkets is glaring and honestly, it’s been undermining the competitiveness in the PvP scene. The introduction of an ilvl 245 medallion could be the game changer that brings some parity between Alliance and Horde.

On the matter of the same accounts holding the Gladiator and Rank One spots repeatedly, it does seem like the system could do with a revamp. Bringing in the retail rule would indeed shake things up and allow a wider pool of players to vie for these top titles.

As for the Dalaran Sewers box jump, it’s clear as day that it’s an unfair advantage. It’s an issue that’s long overdue for a fix. I can’t agree more that these improvements would significantly enhance the PvP experience in the upcoming arena season.

Appreciate your insightful points on this. Hoping the devs take notice and implement these much-needed changes for Season 7.

I was looking at trinkets and thought - there is no way that medalion doesn’t get updated. It’s so obvious. Blizzard please add at least that to the game…

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So real problem is pve gear.
In season5. Now (but not as much as we had t2 weap). Next phase. More in icc and a compelete problem in t10,5 with all that necks and rings with gemslots.

I blame pve gear to delete 60% of TBC pvp Playersbase in woltk.
People who only pvp or even had alt they did only pvp with do not have the mindset to touture themself in ulduar or even icc.

Pve is what makes human OP btw.
If you dont pve, human is not op.
Also: i would argue that orc is better for most classes.

totally agree, i didnt know that sewers box thing. I was reporting these people for being cheater :slight_smile:

While on the topic.
I suggest we remove all PVE items from arena and make last season items free and for pvp only. I dont PVE and that feels unfair to me.

+111111111111 should be added

You are boosted AF, gladiator my ash

thanks for keeping post relevant

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