Arena specs

While there’s an upside, there’s also a couple of downsides:

  1. The grind becomes up to tripled, for rating. One thing is painfully obvious in rated PvP games, and that’s that people identify themselves by their rating, either earned in the past or earned now.
    So to create 3 different grinds would have adverse effects on those playing different things, for example those who played up to 2k as one spec and feeling good about themselves, but then there’s a nerf or whatever and they have to play a different spec and all of a sudden they have to start from 0 again as a different spec, not even being able to sign for the “2k cr” teams.
    For some it would be a good change, for those others it’d be a bad change. It varies.
  2. You’d make “smurfing” into even more of a thing, since a 3k rdruid for example would definitely be able to play as a boomie better than most boomies. So on and so forth.

There’s also rating decay to consider, for those really high, would they be able to sit rating they earned that one week their spec was broken OP like rogues at the start of the season, and be able to sit their rating without playing a single game more as that spec, while playing their new spec that’s more balanced while avoiding rating decay for their spec that’s now nerfed to crap?

If you force them to play their nerfed-to-crap spec to avoid the rating decay as that spec, then what about those who would be able to keep that rating as the new balanced spec, but got it from the broken spec in the first place? They’d be punished for it.

If you just want to be able to test different stuff, then Suggestion to improve the group finder for rated PvP would work better for that, with more positive ripple effects for other things as well.