Suggestion to improve the group finder for rated PvP

Ok, so I posted this in another thread just now, but the post was a bit long so I’ll make it into its own thread to hopefully get more people to read it:

Alright, so a fundamental issue in the group f***er is that people are generally distrustful of random strangers there, and want to increase their own rating but not lose it.

If people don’t want to bring back arena teams which also used to serve as the social glue for people to work together, there is another way to do it.

This way is a bit of a mix inbetween the rating system as it’s now, with the ability to play with anyone at any time, as well as bringing in some social glue for people to want to play together regularly.

Wrote it in a block quote to hopefully make the intro easier to read.

Anyway, so the suggestion is this:

  1. Implementing a group-wide rating penalty, where you only win 1 rating and lose 1 rating per win/loss, for X amount of games, whenever your character is playing with character(s) it has never played with before.
    The MMR can still go up and down, but the rating won/lost will stay at that low amount for those X amount of games.
  2. The rating won/lost is increased incrementally, meaning after those X games have been played together with the new character(s), it then increase to 2 per win/loss for another amount of games, and so on and so forth.
  3. To prevent MMR exploitation of that CR/MMR discrepancy this way, it’s possible to just reset the MMR to what they all started with, once those “penalty games” have been cleared with the new character(s).
  4. This is to be repeated whenever there’s a new character in the group, to provide a new form of investment in forming teams. It doesn’t limit you to just one team or just a couple of characters, but the more you want to play with, the more penalty games you’ll have to go through.

So what this accomplishes is that people would be able to “try out” new characters (alts also falls under this umbrella, even if you’re playing with the same people), WITHOUT needing to lose a bunch of rating just for trying out new people/comps.
The MMR increase during the penalty games also provides the possibility to see how it’d go on various rating ranges with those characters, and the MMR reset after the penalty games, brings it back down for you to “play for real”.

It helps drastically reduce the need to jump into the group finder all the time, helps reduce social toxicity (strangers are less inhibited than people who have already socially bonded when online, so the negative emotions like cynicism or anger are more common between strangers in rated PvP online), while it also doesn’t actually prevent the possibility of just playing with new people via the group finder.

Thing is, this convenience of the group f***er and the lack of social glue is the fundamental reason why so many people struggle to find others to play with in the group finder. Realm communities works better, which Classic has shown many times over by now, but since that doesn’t seem to be coming back to retail, Blizzard need to find new ways of introducing reasons to socially bond beyond just the quickly forgotten arena match once in a blue moon.

Thanks for the input. People leaving after the first loss is a consequence by design, keep that in mind.


I know. And i miss arena teams myself. The removal of them has made arena extremely unpersonal in my opinion. I just wanted to say that Blizzard is not going to step back from this. And i don’t think that penalizing an entire group for switching people is the way to go. Blizzard decided against teams so people can play with anybody no matter the realm. If they now started to but some sort of DR on rating gains people would go nuts.

Social glue is essentially a penalty, but in specific circumstances for a specific purpose, to ultimately keep people together. And it’s what the group finder desperately needs imo, to help promote a more healthy social climate in the group finder.

And the suggestion above is a way to compromise, where you both include social glue and the intrinsic reasons to bond as a team and to improve together over time, while also still providing the possibility to play with new people/alts.

Look, the specifics of the numbers, basically what the penalty should look like, is just a basic example of the concept itself. If you can think of a way to improve the concept, then feel free to say it.

Not suggesting it because you think Blizzard is too stubborn to change anything seems kinda counterproductive though.

Bring back old Skirmishes spread into 2v2 and 3v3. 2v2 skirmish without healers is just stupid. Skirimish is training ground for arena players.

I assume you’re reacting to the part about

but the thing is, the suggestion up above also addresses one of the problems with skirmish arenas, which was that opponents were generally crap, the games were extremely fast, and you couldn’t really use it as a testing grounds for new partners.

The incremental rating increase also provides a path to invest emotionally in a more natural way. Basically you’ll feel it worth more to play with the characters you’ve already cleared the penalty games with, even if there are slight issues, and provides more of a motivation to overcome those obstacles.
Even during the penalty games, if you’re already halfway through, you’ll still feel it’s worth more than just starting over with new people, even if there was some random loss.
It doesn’t mean people wouldn’t give up, but it wouldn’t be as common as it is now.

The issue with the group finder has been a thing for much longer than since they disabled healers in 2v2 skirmish and jumbled the matchmaking together for both 2v2 and 3v3 skirmishes.

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