There are half measures and it’s not that something has to be black or white, so it’s not that if you give a bit of mobility to the warlock you automatically make him like a monk or a mage. At present, but it’s been said for years, you can’t make casters who are machine guns that don’t cast anything and do incredible damage while being able to escape and root the target. In 2024 you still can’t go ahead with the immolate cast time like in 2004.
You can’t give the Shadowfury with 1.5 sec cast time, because it’s as if they gave the frost nova to the mage with cast time. The issue of tankyness is an issue that I cannot understand nor can I make people understand: what do I do with having more stamina and shields if I can’t generate enough damage to put pressure on the melee facing me?
Increasing stamina, shields, dark pact and soul leech only makes the warlock more OP against casters but only makes him a second more resistant against a melee. The problem isn’t giving a bit of mobility to the warlock which would break the game, the problem is seeing a frost mage who roots even when he goes afk