Warlock is unplayable vs melees in arena especially solo shuffle where nobody is helping the warlock everyone just spams damage and stuns …There is literally 0 balance and it’s simply unfair and ugly.
Lets just do a simple comparison
Warlock’s mobility:
Teleport on circle - (30 seconds CD, also have to cast it first somewhere)
Gateway - (90 SECONDS CD)
The End.
Melees mobility:
(permanent sprint, remove slow, freedoms, charge 10sec cd, fly across the map 10sec cd, jump across the map 10sec cd, dk grips 5 times for 10 seconds, cat forms, paladin mount in combat, rogue shadowstep nonstop + sprint nonstop… the list goes ON forever)
I guess the obvious winner in mobility are the melees…
Warlock’s loss of control:
Shadowfury ( 1.4 seconds cast time 3 sec stun… 1 min cd)
Coil (45 sec cd 3sec duration on one target)
Fear (1.6 sec cast most likely interrupted or dispelled or reflected etc)
The end
Melees loss of control:
(instant press one button 5 second stun base minimum + short cd less than 1 minute all melee classes have 4 or 5 different ways to stun you disorient you push you + one big disorient type like blind, asphyxiate, storm bolt from distance, kidney, leg sweep, sigils, the list goes on and on + tons of microstuns slows etc)
Easy win for melees any day any time on here too.
Warlock’s damage:
Heavily relies on being able to cast spells. Need to ramp up summon demons or spread dots on players etc tons of casts needed to even start doing damage exposed to interrupts and stuns resulting in very low damage output
Melee’s damage:
Press 1 button instant pop of cooldown then spam instant ton of consistent damage non stop no way to interrupt them or escape them just damage upon damage
Warlock’s survivability:
- CLOTH wearer meaning you take extra extra extra damage from melee classes
Dark pact (gets melted away in 1 sec when facing 2 melees)
Unending resolve (3min cd 8 sec duration just to reduce damage taken by 40%… every melee have similar defensive on top of everything else they have)
Melee’s survivability:
Just the shear amounts of stuns and interrupts should be enough to keep them alive, but on top of that they have spells like divine shield (completely immune to taking damage for 8 sec) or paladins can also prevent magic damage, dk’s have anti magic shield, rogues have cloak of shadows, warriors spell reflect, etc Monks have karma, rogues can vanish + smoke bomb + other tricks, on top of that they all have defensives to reduce damage taken overall…
So seriously asking is there any fairness in all this at all ???
You simply cannot be playing warlock because you’re always the target of all the melees in the game and they simply have much much much more utilities and spells and stuff they can do to you and they can always reach you and stun you and interrupt you. It’s insane ! 90% of the the entire arena I’m sitting in a stun or interrupted, silenced slowed and just running around with my long cd portal to try and survive…