[Arena] Why is Blizzard Letting Arena Die in Cata?

Hi, During my time playing arena in Cataclysm, I’ve met so many players who were excited about arena—they wanted to improve, find teams, and climb the ladder. But over time, most of them quit. Now, it feels like the only people left are the truly passionate ones who play for fun rather than rating. Competitive play has become almost nonexistent.

Why is Blizzard allowing this to happen? Arena could be a (maybe not goldmine) pure money income for them, especially when they already have systems in retail, like LFG, that work much better (with tab for pvp ._., not saying about basic things that it should have like search, filters or notification) . Yet they’ve given up on features like skirmishes, and even basic things—like the rating not displaying properly at the end of a match—are broken. It’s disrespectful to the players who stick around.

These are basic fixes that could make a huge difference, yet Blizzard lets thousands of players quit instead. And these players don’t just swap to retail or classic—they stop logging in altogether. Many of my arena friends have disappeared.

It’s heartbreaking. People aren’t even angry anymore; they’re just sad.


agree, playing arena in cata seems nostalgic, but a bit empty at the same time …

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I feel you, but you have to realize that its only getting worse from now on. Blizzard completely neglected cata, especially everything pvp related. Just look the the ironforge ladder, were 4 weeks into the season and you still need to be top 75 to have 2,2k, the game is dead and wont recover, most likely not even with mop.
Our only hope is that by the time mop gets released, retail has so few subs that they need mop to be successfull - but there is no hope for cata.

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they don’t dictate people to play :rofl:

go retail for arena so (or wait for TBC), Classic is a Battleground scene

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Cata already didn´t offer much for PvP players first time around… Tol barad, Oh wow. Which was primarily always flooded with PvE Players that only wanted to raid and do dailies.

Cata is where many players like myself left PvP for good, because balance was uberdog :poop: and everything that wasn´t arena was even more a waste of time than arena was.

Ergo it eludes me how anyone could have expected it to be “poplar” in Cataclassic with only a small fraction of the 12 million players it had at OG launch back in the day, on top of all of those factors that we weren´t able to forsee in teh day but had to expereince to learn to detest but were already common knowledge this time around going into Cataclassic, thus it was clear tha many wouldn´t even touch it tio begin with, as no sane person would want to experience that a second time… So it was kind of a no brainer that this desolate wasteland was always going to be the outcome sooner rather than later. That’s why i’m not touching it this time around, but instead just enjoying how hyperbroken Firemage is in PvE.

It sucks for those that want PvP on classic, and I truly feel for you. But it hardly comes as any sort of surprise, unfortunately.

Sorry, but this is not realistically going to happen. Retail is almost certailny doing better than it has in years, as more raid and M+ logs are being upped and runs tracked on Rio than at this point during any first season since legion. So this will likely remain wishful thinking i’m afraid.

That said, If you truly wish another WoW version, any Wow version, to die for millions of players, just so that what was always, since the dawn of time and to this day, a niche-community of a few hundred thousand players and is in Cataclassic at best a few ten thousand can have their nostalgiamode PvP “back”… then, and only in that specific case, I´m very happy that you currently get to experience exactly what you´re wishing on others, and hope it never ends for you. :beers:

And, just for the record, *if and when retail dies, I very much doubt that the majority will even consider whatever classic expac is currently offered as an alternative. Because for most of them, the primary reason they aren´t palyinjg classic already is that they already went through it and find the idea of going back to an old girlfriend just to remember how :poop: she was a laughable concept in and of itself. Add on to that the widespread impression that classic players are “not the best people”, in no small due to constant onprovoked statements such as yours incessantly wishing some form of ill on retail since classic´s release in 2019, and as a result, simply by perpetuating this asinine “retail must die” hate, you are yourself giving them one of the best reasons to stay away that anyone could ask for: a pointlessly toxic community that is already openly hostile towards outsiders. Because the Hyperminmax PvE Trollhards that require epic Heroic logs to sign up for normal raids aren’t yet doing enough to keep people out. Bravo. :clap:

Mate dont worry, I want you to enjoy retail for the next 50 years, all I said is that if blizz releases another bad expansion (like bfa for example) classic might get more players. I mean, they could just hire 1-2 devs to work on classic, but that would cost them money, so thats not rly an option for them.

I am glad that you took my statements as intended and not as a personal affront, and thank you for the clarification. :beers:

Again, I play and both, roughly 2/3 reatail and 1/3 classic… but the one thing that has always absolutely disgusted me about the classic community in general is how much they “obviously” feel the need to wish retail ill, possibly even without even knowing it… IME you almost never see retail players outright hating on classic, its generally more “Meh, don’t care, but good for them” Bur from teh other side it often feels like “F retail, it needs to burn” is closest it gets to"they have their game and I have mine"… and that perceived imbalance of hatred unfortunately does a lot to help keep people away, I can´t get most of my guildies to even try classic (that said many of them are OG hc raiders that actually did see naxx from teh inside when it was OG current, so the “old girlfriend” thing fully applies to them, wheras I started in early BC) . And unfortunately, the smaller subcommunities like PvP, esp the sub-sub-community of arena gladiators, are then going to be the first ones to feel the effects, which is that nobody even tries it… :confused: :beers:

It´s almost feels as if the people wishing for vanila fore so many years and hating on retail all of that time either still haven’t registered that Classic is a thing now, or they just can´t stop hating because it´s consumed them… like a crotchety old man that throws rocks at kids on teh sidewalk solely because he was a kid once and he´s mad that he isn´t anymore :beers:

That sadi retail does seem to be slowing down a little bit now that S1 is half over, with a bit of luck some of these players won´t swap to LoL, teh next Call of Battlefield installments or other games, but will dip their toes in Cataclassic… We can only hope. :slight_smile:

But more devs, while it would be nice, won´ßt really do much to chance that situation, because the problem is simply that it doesn´t offer anything they haven´t seen /done before… and short of axeing Cataclassic in favor of Cataclassic Season of Whatevery, it´s not to be expected that it can or will :confused:

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