[A]returning player for shadowlands looking for guild

Long time player looking for a semi-hardcore guild to raid, do mythic plus. Quit durring mid bfa, when old guild stopped playing. Want to return to wow with shadowlands. Raiding hours after 21:00 cet.

Prefered class / specc to play is mistweaver monk
Played Retri / holy paladin for about 4 years durring vanila, tbc. DK durring wrath and cata. And have been on Monk for 6 years now. Played disc priest, resto shaman and lesser extent warlock as well durring some tiers.

Old raiding experiances:
vanila - All the way to a couple of bosses in Naxx
TBC - All raids including server first Kiljaeden from Sun Well
Wrath - naxx, sarph 3 drakes, server first Malygos.
Break / PVP
Cataclysm: PVP
Warlords: before guild broke. Highmaul heroic, BRF heroic and mythic up to Furnace.
Legion full clear heroic Emerald nightmare, full clear nighthold heroic, full clear Antorus heroic, full clear Heroic Tomb of sargeras.
BFA: Heroic Uldir, Jaina and Aszhara. Guild broke-up So didnt raid durring Nyalotha.

Outside of raiding I also look forward to push mythicplus.

Reach on discord: RIzso#8881
Reach on battlenet: Rizso#2809

feel free to check us out :slight_smile: [A] 2 Day Mythic Guild: Natural Competition Recruiting For Shadowlands