Argent Dawn for WPvP

An interesting discussion on AD WPvP over in the general forum. I don’t know much about AD, but seems like AD would be a good place for WPvP due to the different sharding they have. You are more likely to meet the same players on AD, therefore community is possible in War Mode.

I don’t know enough about WPvP on AD, is there already WPvP community? I do know it lacks Horde. There’s at least one Horde WPvP guild that I know of on AD, The Scarlet Crusade. If more Horde move over to AD for WPvP, ye you’d be the underdog, but that can be a fun situation. The Scarlet Crusade has shown how fun it can be, but you can ofc do your own play style. Are there more AD WPvP guilds? Let me know and I’ll link to their recruitment pages.

Would be awesome if WPvP was a community thing on AD. Needs more Horde on AD! If there were 2 or 3 WPvP guilds per faction = a WPvP community. If there already are that number, need more!

Don’t want to actually move to AD or create a char there? With x realm grouping, if at least one player in your group is on AD, you can go to the AD War Mode shard and join in the fun.

Edit: Decided on creating an RP WPvP community, which is the correct thing to do for this idea on an RP realm. Will it work? No idea hehe.


I’ve been running a test alt there for a few months now, and cross realming with my friend it’s great. I highly recommend going there, especially if you’re a Horde who is sick and tired of not being able to find Alliance in WM.


Sounds great, I hope WPvP community can become a thing there, if not already exists. I mean a rivalry and ally situation. That’s something that has been lacking in War Mode, as far as I’ve experienced. If you know of any AD WPvP guilds I can help promo.

Well, I posted on AD forum for feedback there, and it got flagged. They do not like discussion over there! Sad.


No. We don’t like people trying to diminish the last proper RP server.
But, again, you knew that already.

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The post was clearly aimed at WM WPvPers, which means a WM shard, separate from the AD realm itself. Therefore RPers unaffected. Doesn’t stop them making false reports tho. Nice censorship AD RPers.


Found out that AD WM is mixed with other RP WM - so not as good as I thought for WM community potential. But, still better for WM community potential than normal WM shards - I mean the seeing players you recognize aspect, due to the limited number of RP realms.

Problem is the lack of Horde on RP WM shards. Need more on there. You could join up with The Scarlet Crusade, or another WPvP guild, or form your own guild.

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If you don’t RP, don’t come to an RP realm. It’s that simple


Cool scarlet crusade alt


RP WM does not affect RP. In WM, you are not on AD - you are on a shard mixed with other RP realms. That is not really suitable for most players to RP, they will want to see AD RPers, which means WM off. Non issue.

Choice for WPvPers is, active but no community normal WM shards, or inactive but more community potential RP WM shards. Would require WPvPers to go to RP realms and form/join WPvP guilds. Best place is most popular RP realm, AD.

This is aspirational, and I realize unlikely to happen. For it to happen, AD would need to become known as the WPvP hub - that’s out of anyone’s control, it will happen or not. But would be a way to have more of a community feel in WM, more likely to see recognized WPvP players/guilds than in normal WM = community potential.

Ideally, Blizz would just make WM shards work better for community. Also unlikely.

Or… give WPvPers one PvP realm - problem solved.

Its terrible for world PvP. It’s an RP realm so nobody ever has WM on and the ones that do only have it on for the bonus so will never fight.
I have both horde and alliance mains on it.

Solution is actually a single dedicated PvP realm - with some incentive to move there (Equal faction PvP incentive just for that realm.)

Need forum fury to make it happen tho. Unlikely, as WPvP is too niche. Dream!

This does still apply to Major Cities on RP realms If I am not mistaken, Dalaran (?) dont think so atleast–Orgrimmar and Stormwind are where you will always see your own realm.

Don’t think moving to AD would fix anything as people still do alot of shard hopping by knowing people on the realms–hence why most of my shards are populated with horde from PVE realms

It’s ok I had a different idea.

World PvP’ers we apologise for one of the goons from our server getting out into the wild. They think they are a person of note, and talk in the third person, they may have gotten up your hopes as to some promised land of Wpvp, however what they speak of is false. You would not be welcome on AD. We would make your life hell. Not because we are inherently malevolent people, but because the OP is trying to encourage people to destroy the sole remaining RP realm in the EU. They have been told numerous times why this is a bad idea, they have even been bluntly asked whether this is a ‘nice’ thing to do (They remained rather silent on that front) This is essentially a rather naked attempt by a third rate pvp guild to try and advertise their -own- pvp guild who are mistakenly on Argent Dawn.

Well, we all know the thing about power don’t we. “If you have to -tell- people you are a big deal, then…you probably are not a big deal in the first place”


i know alot of rp guilds whose rp revolves around wpvp .

i dont think it is the community that is responsible for death of rp .it is blizz itself .they have been implementing things that discourage true rp .

Honestly never seen anything of the sort during my time on AD. Closest thing I’ve seen is people /emoting a duel in valley of honor.

This is a falsehood, the WM shards are RP realms only, RP realm WM shards are separate from non RP realms for a reason, to keep non RPers and RPers separate

Plenty of RP is done in warmode as well

You are undermining our realm with this
It is also disgustingly misleading not to mention it being an RP realm anywhere in your post

A guy in the AD topic rekindled my interest in this, and also support from another player. I had not originally considered doing it as RP WPvP, but then I thought… why the heck not? I could create an RP WPvP community on AD. Will it succeed? No idea. But nothing ventured nothing gained.

So, I’d have my Outland guild for normal PvP/WPvP, and an AD guild for RP WPvP, and an x realm community to bind the two. And maybe those three communities can improve engagement in all three, where at the moment there’s only small interest in WPvP.

That could work, already had offer of support with starting a community on AD.

I do still think WPvP needs a dedicated PvP realm, just the one. No WM, no sharding, no PvE bonus - basically a classic style realm. Maybe a PvP incentive of some sort to encourage free transfer to it. Maybe an outnumbered damage bonus for outnumbered faction on realm. How to make that happen?

That does seem a lot more agreeable solution yes, thank you for your reconsidering, a lot of people were heels-in-the-sand over this

I knew you as a reasonable dude from when I was more active in the WM forums glad to see that’s the same

As for a separate wpvp server? Mm, problem is that it doesn’t offer what WM already does asides from sharding, which is admittedly a game changer. But I don’t see Blizz doing this without there being some forum incentive
I wonder if the hamsters in their datacenters could handle it

No prob, it’s the community I want - and most interested in what has best chance to work, and still it will be difficult.

I don’t see blizz setting up a dedicated PvP realm either. But logically, that is what would be required to rekindle multi guild WPvP community. Ye, how to make that happen.