Argent Dawn gear

Hello Everyone.

I was browsing the gear they are selling at AD tournament, with my BM BE Hunter and I was quite disappointed to find that only the gloves had haste+crit.

The rest of the gear has stats for Survival spec like haste+versatility.

Most of her current gear is TW gear ilv82 with Haste+crit.

Do you think it’s worth it to get the ILV gear 100 from AD with wrong stats ?

Thanks for your attention.

I think its more about the transmog to be honest, since the gear will be absolute in 2 weeks

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Too bad I already had that gear before the event, since the Horde event gear is literally just warfront gear. And neither the Horde nor the Alliance event sets make any sense theme-wise. Talk about being lazy…

This event’s rewards seriously anger me…


It is cath up gear for alts, new players, and those who reroled, it isnt meant to be your bis.

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When they decided to use that set for event, they should have putted really unused t3 aspirant set.

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They should have given us the Argent Dawn tabard (maybe updated version) and the full Undead Slaying sets.


A bunch of pieces can be earned from the arathi world boss though. Don’t buy the mail chest piece for example.
At the same time, I couldn’t find the plate shoulders as a drop from a different source


Yes they should have given that. Looking at shadow lands i think they dont have any free hands to remake those items. Thats why i said t3 aspirants set.

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Keep in mind though that the drop from the world boss does not seem to unlock the opposite faction’s equivalent, while the one you buy from the vendor does give that to you.

Just something to keep in mind. You are earning a lot of commendations through scourgestones though, so in the end you will likely have enough commendations to buy every piece.


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