When i started reading about how to grind this, i saw that u can get this reputation by grinding mobs, dungeons and stuff. The fact is how can it be that i still dont see anything raise. Im now at 200/3000. Is it because it is the Argent Crusade now? or idk?
In case you didn’t know, this is a forum dedicated to the Argent Dawn realm, not a community for farming the Argent Dawn reputation.
Don’t listen to Coldshade, this forum is dedicated to the faction! Are you speaking about vanilla wow or Battle for Azeroth?
Battle for Azeroth.
Its okay i reached revered now. I guess questing trough Eastern Plaguelands is the key. (the quest at the chapel of Light’s Hope where u need to enter the tomb, thats where u get that lot of rep)
After you enter the chapel and the tomb, you’ll be able to pick up a repeatable quest just outside of it to do stuff in Strath/Scholo. Take the Strath one as it’s faster, set your Hearth to Light’s Hope and get to it! Takes about 3 hours without the rep buffs.
The only rep you need to concern about is the Cathedral Square rep. In order to get your Cathedral Square rep up you need to be in a guild, with a guild banner.
Pop your banner near one of the trees in Cathedral Square and stand by it. Then wait until someone comes to talk to you. This is the easiest way to get your Cathedral Square rep up.
The more you do this, the more your rep with Cathedral Square will go up. Do this until you get the achievement [What Am I Doing With My Life]. By that time you should be having an existential crisis where the line between IC and OOC exists.
I know the Horde must have an equivalent, but I am not sure what it is.
Good luck. I hope this helps.
We just stand in valley of honor. No banners. Just watch the brawling by the tree.
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