Argent Dawn (RP) Horde Reconnections

Manbane. Founder of Ghastly Condemned. Dipped my toes into Axis and later joined Illumination in TBC.
Together with a group of oldies from Illumination, Dark Tide etc. we will create a guild on Mirage Raceway. Feel free to poke me online if u want to play.

I think my NE just died and became undead …

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Nice to see some familiar names in this thread! Although going Alliance this time to explore that side (never did in Vanilla) on the RPPVP server. Hope to see some of you there!

Carnivean (Undead Mage) and Noire (undead warlock) played pretty much solid from launch through to WotLK.

I was an officer in the Oathforged guild which was allied with Red Branch and the Ashen Rose Conspiracy. Technically, still in that guild on Retail but it’s pretty much dead and has been for years as everyone has moved on and had kids, etc.

Would be great to hear from anyone in those guilds who might remember me. I’m currently reserved on Hydraxian Waterlords, Horde side.

Do you guys have a discord channel? :

Hi Dijk :slight_smile:

Durst - The Onyx Ascendancy.
I’ll be playing on Zandalar Tribe - would be fun to see some TOA oldtimers there.

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Long time no see Durst!

Great! I’ll be playing as a character named “Themrok” on Zandalari Tribe, Horde, and have grand plans for there. Add me on Discord: Dijkstrason#1536 !

PS: Punk is not dead

Now that’s a familiar face. Where’s Patsie at?

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Wow, what a flashback I got from seeing your name and all those other people you mentioned! I still use your moto about the six Ps in real life :wink:

/Jokk, shaman from argentdawn from vanilla to wotlk.

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Patsie will be back with a vengeance as a Hydraxion Waterlord! Hopefully you’ll join us!

Hey Tweedk we do have discord yes

Discord: Zufer#1703

Hey Jokk!

Awesome to see you, if you want to get in contact with some others poke Manbane or me online

Discord: Zufer#1703

Let me know if you’re planning on bringing (pun intended) any of the Bringers of Fury back with you :open_mouth:

Hi Hermato here
Tauren Shaman - Resto
The merry berries :slight_smile: Anyone here?

That’s so awesome Dijkstrason!

I’ll be rolling on Zandalari Tribe as well, Horde! I don’t have a name yet for my character, but I’ll make sure to bother you when the time is right! :slight_smile:

I’m on Hydraxian Waterlords, too! Let me know if anyone starts a guild, I’d love to join. Horde, obviously, though I’ll probably have some Alliance knocking around, too.

Good to hear Dark Tide mentioned. Relapse here. Was a priest in Dark Tide. Good memories.

Oh and I’m playing Relapse the priest on Zandalar Tribe.

Mikai the troll shaman. Spent most of my time pvping and hanging about Sen’jin. Will be rolled as Mikai on Zandalari Tribe. So I’ll be around if anyone want to team up or hang out.

I played as Otano, leader of the PlainRunner Tribe for quite some time. I recognize some names here…

I’m not 100% sure that I will return yet, but if I do… it will be to recreate the good old RP that Argent Dawn was famous for!

Zalpak was my very first character in WoW, created back in July 2005, and he is the character I’ve played the most, so Zalpak is the name most people in the Horde community would know me by. The Alliance (night elf mostly) community might remember me as Lekilor.

I’ve recreated another character of mine, an orc shaman named Rugrak, on Zandalar Tribe, and I’m looking forward to an RP community being created there. Add and whisper me on Rugrak if you’d like to connect with me, or on Zalpak if I’m back here in BFA.

Hey Dijkstrason and Durst!
Zuktel here - The Onyx Ascendancy

Great to see you guys are still around!