Argent Dawn (RP) Horde Reconnections

Here are my opinions so far:

  1. It needs to allow specifying the level, people will queue up for dungeons too high for them
  2. It needs to allow queuing for elite quests
  3. It needs to allow queuing for specific wings, Scarlet Monastery for example has wildly different level requirements

My characters from Vanilla;
Wycon - Talons (Was also in Ghastly Condemned for a short time): Undead male warlock.
Náia - Clan Silverleaf: Night Elf female druid.

I’m currently on Hydraxian on and off under names such as:
Skrutt - Horde
Wycon - Horde
Morris - Horde

Kotte - Alliance
Náia - Alliance

Feel free to add me on Náia#8107 at discord if anyone remembers me. ^^
I’d love to get back in touch with the gang, Cherryleaf - Renzo being the two I used to hang out with a lot which I remember (my memory is fuzzy with people unless they did something really bad to me or my friends…)

I’m more of a retail player still, but getting back in touch would be really fun - if only to share some “what have you been up to since then” stories. ^^

Ps: update - I dont play classic much anymore but feel free to poke me on retail - or just via bnet.
I miss my old raider friends and hope you are all doing ok! :slight_smile:

I playes in wolfpack as well, but in wotlk