Argent priest/paladin prospects?

Hello! I am an experienced RPer and as wondering on the prospects of argent/priest rp in retail.
Is it all in duskwood/stormwind or does it go far beyond that ?

Any recommended places to RP around? Any help is appreciated!

Hey there, always nice to see more Argents out in the world!

There’s also rp in Stromgarde these days, and still some around Gilneas aswell now that the place has been reclaimed.

Argent RP mostly died out for awhile and I don’t expect to see a proper revival until The War Within and major story/lore updates for Lordaeron as a whole.

There are some of us still about and are welcome in major hubs usually.

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Can wholly recommend giving these guys a look; they move around sometimes, but do hang out at the Argent outposts of the Plaguelands too! (And if you’re not really one for joining up, they can no doubt point you the right way to the kinda RP you’d like)


We do our fair share of traveling, ye! We used to be stationed almost exclusively in the Plaguelands, but since it wasn’t too lively there until relatively recently, with the reclamation of Gilneas and with Stromgarde being active, we’e taken to moving around a lot, most recently around the Dragon Isles.

We are currently back in Hearthglen tho, if you’d like to drop by and have a feel for it!


These guys are great! Currently rping/bullying them in Hearthglen and it’s a good time.


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