Arguements against DF are stupid

No I have not since I won’t be using it anyway, but it’s not the first time I heard that it’s bad.

I’d say the better argument is to get blizzard to improve the tool… without the instant group forming and teleportation.

Classic Andys trying to kill wotlk like they killed classic, no changes for wrath

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100% agree with you, same situation.

Still, people should actually do something about it, instead of continuous posting and moaning on forums, why dont you/we make a petition about it?

bring back old RDF, leave RF out

Pretty simple, the new “revamped” lfd gatekeeps casual players, the old rdf doesn’t.
Is it that hard to see? Yeah, a big sum of you are players who’ve been playing for years non stop, with your friends/guild. But you’re not the majority. How does RDF harm you? It doesn’t. On the other hand RDF helps casual players as well as it can help you.

Why does rdf bother you so much? You miss chatting with random people? you can still do it with rdf around you know?

  1. The RDF killed the social: In 2010 maybe, in 2022 not. Wotlk private servers that disabled RDF proved it, TBC too, the “You think you do but you don’t” has never been so true.

1-1) The RDF has killed the social bis: The RDF tool allows to empty the channels in order to let us speak freely on it, today the channel is spammed with announcements and if we have the misfortune to speak for fun we are insulted or ignored

  1. RDF is a tool, therefore not RP: The BG tag when slacking in front of an NPC or via the tool has never bothered anyone and it dates from Vanilla
  2. With the RDF people socialize less to group: Spammer “LF last tank for” with a reply in pm “Hi +1”, is not sociable. In addition, the Salute in question is still retrieved via the RDF once TP in the dungeon and/or grouped automatically, it’s just politeness
  3. With RDF people no longer talk in dungeons: RDF does not impact a person’s willingness to talk in dungeons, and this has been proven once again on Wotlk who disabled RDF. What makes players socialize in the dungeon is the combination of discovery + difficulty
  4. The cross-server RDF has killed the social: True, and we can very well not activate this feature, however we are already drowned in the mass since the servers are 2 to 3x more populated than at the time , in other words this defect is already implemented natively. In addition, the BGs are cross-server since Vanilla, and it has never bothered anyone
  5. With RDF I can’t group manually: False, you can make an announcement in the channel, group them and tag. Or go there on foot if you wish, it’s a principle called the Walk-in
  6. With the RDF I can’t make friends and keep them in contact: False, nothing prevents it, however there is no reason for others to keep in touch while the dungeon is clean in 15min chrono
  7. The RDF which allows TP in the dungeon is bad: True when you discover the game, False when you have played 10 years of play. The Wotlk private servers which have disabled the RDF have proven it, 5min of auto fly in afk Alt+Tab Google
  8. The RDF allows abuse of kicks: False, there is a 15min cooldown before the first kick, in other words the dungeon is already clean at this time. While a manual group gives full power to the lead and can kick at the slightest whim (lack of dps, no cc, not enough stuff, too much of the same type of stuff to need etc.) Worse yet, a person can leave the group without ANY penalty, once they get the loot they want right in the middle of the dungeon, imagine that if it’s a dps that tag tank to make it faster, roll dps, gain the loot and quit, with the RDF the person gets the “deserter” for 30min.
  9. RDF is not Classic: Indeed, that’s why Classic ERA exists, a server that has been neglected by its own fan base apparently “the best version of WoW”
  10. If you want RDF, go to Retail: If you don’t want RDF, go back to Classic ERA, the server you abandoned and which was nevertheless el famoso “the best version of WoW”. The RDF is part of Wotlk.
  11. It’s Classic not retail: Wrong, it’s Wotlk, just stop.
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You’re assuming something that is completely wrong.

I went on a low populated server in February with absolutely no one I knew and built a community. We casually raid every week and have RP events.

RDF is an anti-mmorpg concept. It’s implementation takes away from the world which should be the center of content.

I don’t dislike RDF, I think in a non-mmmorpg world (like retail) it’s convenient.

However, the goal of classic is to return to the root of MMORPG spirit… Not rebuild retail once again.

If the LFD interface gatekeeps players then it needs to be reworked. Automatic forming of groups and teleporting to the instance is not a long-term solution. If you love MMORPG then you should be against RDF.

I’ve been useing the “new dungeon tool” which i think is really bad in numbers of ways.
for starters, like many people said if you gonna use this tool just take the one that is in retail. it’s 100x better then the current one.
the problems I have with the current DF is.

You can’t be in a group and sign up to another group, for example (im in a group with my friend we are 2 dps we see a dungeon that’s up that need 2 dps we can’t sign up to that, the only thing we can do is invite the guy who has the group…)

The suggest invite is just stupid when i comes to raids, i can deal with it in dungeons. but raids you want to pick out the people accordingly and not have a random name upp on your screen. that’s why people still use bulletin addon.

I feel at this state current DF is in there is allmost no idea to use it if bulletin still exist. If you want this DF to be the main thing just take what is in retail or just bring back the orignial RDF. or atleast an inproved one. I think RDF got some big improvements back in cata if im not mistaken.

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