Arguements against DF are stupid

Everybody is spamming the “it destroys the social aspect” reason and i thought they had a point until I actually started playing TBC in preperation for Wotlk.

Trade Chat, World Chat, any Chat is just filled with ENOURMOUS spam of “GDKP GDKP GDKP” and “WTS BOOST WTS BOOST WTS BOOST”.
Yes there is an “LFG” Addon but hell it’s easier to find a dungeon on a 2000 player private server than on Firemaw.
The social aspects of this game are already broken beyond repair. All you can do is find a guild to do proper raiding and RAID FINDER is definitely a bad idea but there is not a single reason to not have Dungeon Finder to make the trivial dungeon grinds atleast a little more beareable.

I read arguements saying “teleporting to the dungeon is bad”, which are stupid beyond belief. Do you really think “making the world small” and “making people not leave a major city” is really a problem in a 17 year old game?
I’m sorry I’m not excited to walk through the barrens for the thousandth time.

Dungeon Finder is not killing anything because the “social aspect” it’s supposed to be killing is already dead.
WoW is a min maxed raid logging or PvP sweating game with the smoothest mechanics of any MMO still out there which is the main reason why it’s still alive.
Let people play that part and not be caught up in trash spam chat social interactions.


No, LFD is bad


No u /10char


Yes, it is.


I have formed exactly 3 dungeon groups in TBC and have not exchanged a single word with the players that have completed the dungeons with me. Your arguement is pointless.
DF doesn’t change the already non existant interaction but it adds smoother gameplay and game experience.

Gameplay > Illussion of social interaction due to chat spamming and 1 single whisper.


“I am anti-social therefore we should destroy the community.”

Not an argument.


NO DF = win win !

People unable to use the ingame LFG Tool just need to readup on it


You obviously don’t get it.

I can decide to socially interact with my dungeon group whenever i want. It doesn’t matter if its assembled by spam chatting in a painfully GDKP dominated chat or if its assembled by DF.


so you acknowledge by saying you decide whether to be social or not that you are the reason that in 3 groups no conversations were had?


I am 50/50 on the decision

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Lack of LFD virtually killed my hype for WOTLK.

I started to appreciate the Dungeon Finder after I played Vanilla and TBC. The /lfg spam is obnoxious and looking for dungeon is even worst. The addon helps a bit but not too much. Not always u can play dungeons with a guild.

So Ye, the information about lack of DF sucks.

I could agree to have it Realm locked, so it only seeks ppl from ur realm (on low pop it could group alliance and horde together for bigger players pool). So You could preserve the “server social aspect” of the game. Tough frankly even after those 3 years of playing Vanilla and TBC I rarely remember ppl i played dungs with :).

I am kinda surprised the change from Blizzard is to cut this feature completly instead of changing it to be better.


so you acknowledge by saying you decide whether to be social or not that you are the reason that in 3 groups no conversations were had?

Because I am the only one who can initiate a conversations? Apparently everybody decided to calmly clear the dungeon and therefore no conversations were held. Which is not a bad thing but obviously not insanely social.

Again, it wouldve been no different if the group would’ve been assembled by dungeon finder.


LFD is a system that just responds to the content of that time. Wotlk is orientated around dungeon spamming/badge collecting/tabard-rep farming, although LFD was released in 3.3.0, it being released at launch alongside 3.3.5 would be heavily beneficial. It speeds up game-play, there’s dual spec and the ability to queue as multiple roles, so you’re in and out of dungeons quite quickly, while bringing life to the 1-70 dungeons, and taking away business from the dungeon booster community that infests chat.

Being “anti-social” isn’t the right definition. You’re trying to change who people are nowadays. It just how the times are, it’s 2022 and everyone knows everything about TBC/Wotlk. Communication is no longer necessary, people go in dungeons knowing everything about it. TBC has no LFD and there’s no communication in any dungeon. I’ve even done no-voice chat Kara runs when barely a single word has been exchanged outside of raid leader orders.

Formerly in 2007, communication was required since the majority did not know what to do, what to expect, how to coordinate… therefore, it demanded that people speak to each other. Replicating this would literally require a time-machine. It has nothing to do with LFD.


This has been analyzed since it’s introduction, it’s not like I’m just making this up. Automating systems that encourge players not to bother to interact with each other because they no longer need to is bad for the games community. Period. The game from the ground up was built to faciliate co-operation and when you remove that it ceases to exist.

We can literally see the degradation on retail. This is like when an American talks about the ills of public healthcare even though we can see the observable affects ourselves because most countries in the EU have a national health service that prove their arguments and pre suppositions fundamentally wrong.

When you automate a process, it has consequences. Don’t even get me started on cross realm or sharding. Building relationships, interacting with other players and actually making contacts is an important part of this game and every time you strip it down, or remove the process of actually socializing you’re hurting the community because people no longer NEED to socalize outside of their closed off circles. I’m not willing to trade convenience for it’s complete destruction, or reduce the individual players worth to an atom in a sea of atoms and certainly not for the long term consequences it has for short term gains.


Sorry but ppl in 2008 were also toxic :slight_smile:. And it was even worst, because tehre was no sjw police that censored words :slight_smile:


Yes, I’m not saying your point is wrong. It’s just not correctly used.

LFD does not change whether people communicate or not. People have no need to communicate because, as seen in TBC, it is not required of today’s community in PvE instances. LFD does not change this.


I’m not going to LARP that building relationships with people you’ll never see again, that have no permanence, or meaningful interaction with in a long term, is somehow easier than building relationships with people that are actually on your server, playing with you, who regularly have to interact with because they need you and you need them.

of course it changes whether players communicate, when you type away on your keyboard and you press enter in chat, that is communication

I agree 100%…

Why on earth are they bent on ruining the casual experience most of us have been exciting and waiting for!


No one saying they weren’t, but they were a lot more open about it then today. I would get told I suck and exactly why then booted which leads to something I can improve on. Now you get booted w/o a single word which just leads to frustration.

Yea, agreed. I just believe LFD changes nothing considering the current state of TBC, but can only be an improvement. I would agree with your point a lot more if it was written in 2008.

You clearly did not read the conversation I was having with Plexipump.

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