Arm Warrior changes that will balance them

It needs shield and defstance though

Arms is completely broken spec.

I am serious. They have strong burst, now all classes have.
Warriors utilities are fine too. It is not pve to press only damage buttons.
Arms do not have healing, but a least some tools to live.

Thats what they tried to do and it ended up disaster we are in now.

Specifically druid isnt a class that needs more broken bs. If something, they need pruning.
If you want to have cool stuff in the game, it needs to be taken care of, properly executed and balanced. Not like copy pasta from wotlk added into SL, boosted the numbers by 200% and call it a day.

So is necro dh


Crit for Warriors and Rets should stay exactly as it is. The problem with Ret isn’t the crits, it’s the damage modifiers which can be stacked upon each other that create the problem, and “Warrior crit” isn’t the reason for them being as strong as they currently are. Like, what are you even saying?

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But of course I expect them to properly tune the stuff before adding it to the game, personally I liked pvp in the older expansions much more and it felt less like the sh itshow it is now.

I am totally against pruning, in my opinion the perfect version of the game was mist of pandaria where each class had tons of Tools and utility to handle all kind of Situations.

Warriors tend to nerf themselves with a lack of braincells, like seriously, charging a ret with wings up and wondering you die without pressing any cd is just beyond delusional. The things you see in LFG man.


Do we really need to compare warr and dh? We all know that warr is far better ie absolutely overpowered.

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tbf kyrian warrior is equally strong.

For me the biggest problem with warrior is how tanky they are.
Die by the sword less than 1.5 min cd. Ignore Pain super low cd. Def stance too strong.
If they make them less tanky they are fine. i like the toolkit. More specs should have that many utility spells but its the whole package which causes problems

Warr only need to nerf those random mega crits and class feels good.

Its vice versa. Slam is so bad that u just press ignore pain.

Ele rnd 30-50k oneshot ppl like warrior or even harder btw

not random at all they need to press like 3 globals and skyfury before they “oneshot” someone

So is healing an indicator of being broken? In RMP in fact only healer has real healing and somehow it’s broken. What’s your logic behind it?

If class do not have heling then should have more def tool. This is logic behind it.
RMP is broken becouse of damage. Kill in one second.

Warrior has so may def tools that would be enough for 3 specs. Warrior is overloaded with them.

Based. Warrior needs a serious tuning, either Dmgwise or the effectiveness of their utility.

Ignore Pain as it is rn is simply overkill, their tankyness in this otherwise bursty meta is simply overbearing. If everyone dies in 3 globals the one who dies in 6 is king. I wouldn’t be surprised if they lived a whole uninterrupted convoke with IP up.

That isn’t how Ignore Pain works. It is just a shield in the end, not a damage reduction effect. Odds that a Warrior with a 11k shield up survives an entire Convoke are low, just like a Priest with one shield of Rapture up won’t survive, just like a Ret with Shield of Vengeance may die (even though its a much bigger shield).

I didn’t say anything about how IP works though?
That was an exaggeration about how tanky warrior is in general. I don’t see the need to have mobility to escape Dam in Leap, basically 100% uptime on Defstance (they do no dam in it apparently, it still hurts though), essentially PW:Shield on 12sec CD and offglobal, spellreflect, intervene, Rally, CC banner ontop of burst that rivals a ret with wings (exaggeration) on one class.

They have an answer to everything you could possibly throw their way, utility for the team, insane killpotential. Somewhere you gotta draw the line, not up to me where that line should be drawn.

I’d be for moving some of their dmg to slam so they have to choose if they want to keep macroing IP into every ability just cause they can.