Armies of Legionfall


I’m a returning player and having a blast with my DH.
I want to get the class mount and I need to start with the quest Armies of Legionfall.
How do I obtain it in Dragonflight? I have done some quests in my class hall etc but I have no clue how to get it…been searching like a madman on the net and Youtube but no luck.

It’s a bit overwhelming with all the expansions and new things added to the game and I feel a bit lost.

Thanks in advance,

To start this quest, you need to have unlocked World Quests in Legion with Uniting The Isles

If you already have this on another character, try relogging.

If you don’t, just quest for a bit in each zone.

Make sure teh Trivial Quests option is on. Above your minimap there is a small bar. On the left of that is a square button. Click that to get a drop-down, and tick Trivial Quests.

Thank you!
Starting to farm the rep now =)

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