Armor scaling - wtf?

Everyone seems to be running with double armor value - as a WW monk seems my dmg was just nerfed by like 50% for no reason.
I know its pre-patch and all but come on now - it makes ww monk a joke in pvp and there is a month of pre-patch ahead of us.


Same for warrior. Played one shuffle and the ele did 4x my dmg every round. The mage and dk at least 2x my dmg every round. Complete mess. Unplayable.

Edit: Seems to be intended. Im speechless.


Paladins can increase armor on other players also by 20%

Yea pure melees are unplayable
100k ferou bites on plates


Blizzard pretty much disabled every physical damage spec from pvp with these armor changes.


They got you a emergency nerf too BM Hunter, o wait they also deal Physik damage

Ok they random nerf it must hit it with a random spin on the nerf weel

Blizzard is joking with armor

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this shows just how outdated armor is. get rid of it, make it tanks spec only thing and give everyone else 20% flat and balance around it. we got rid of magic resistence long time ago. imagine mage hitting 1 target for 100k and another for 20k – thats what happens to the physical meele specs. one target you hit for 100k and another for 20k. just not 100% fair that casters can target anything without downside, while meeles have to include armor in their decisions.


Most welcome change they have done.

So you want to remove all unique specific stats the game have?

Read my point again. Example: marksman hunter vs mage: snipershot hits for 100k (random number)
Hunter vs war: aimshot hits for 60k

Just because of armor.

Then we have
mage vs mage: fireball hits for 100k ( random number)
Mage vs war: fireball hits for 100k

And that’s an issue in PvP/ arena . All mages going go cry for mm hunter nerfs while warrior says it’s all fine. But when you call fireball hits too hard it maybe hits too hard because it affects all. It’s just over complicated.
It would be better that snipershot in my example hits for 80k on both targets- instead of this big difference.

The same goes for almost all physical meele dmg skills. That’s why meele train cloth targets more often then mail/plate. Armor diff is a huge thing.

With the current armor „bug“ (we have the tww numbers instead of df) , you can see and feel it. Ask a war/feral/sub rogue how it feels to hit a shaman/bear pre - and post patch it’s day and night.

That’s my point :slight_smile:

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Just did some blitz where ele sham lava burst highest crit was 770k, while my fist of fury ticks for 13k - great tuning.


Enjoying the 35k rising sun kicks on plate? hahaha what a joke


Now i remember why people and most streamers play classic, no devs to ruin it all with insane design choices. Came to try retail again, now i know why i quit it.


Well blizzard need to swap their game from fast paced to mid paced, this simply must be done, offcourse they will ± values

And this is why:
Fast paced games = low skill stuff, proof = people even created glad bot
Mid paced games = sweet spot
Slow paced games = high skill, high tactic but time consuming and somewhat boring

Swaping game to mid pace is necessary if blizzard want their game to become respectable E-Sport where better wins, not one who crited better.

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Agree with the speed of the game stuff, but this has nothing to do with that.

Blizzard only tweaked armor stats in an effort to adjust how tank self-sustain works in PVE, and PVP was heavily affected by this change as it got no consideration at all (as usual) .

Any physical based class or spec is HEAVILY gimped and it makes testing the new talents and trying out solo BG Blitz an unbalanced chore.

This was not a planned adjustment to the pace, it’s something that should be fixed.

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Was playing my hunter while MM and SV seesm too work a little bit on the damage side
BM looks giga broken you hit like a wet noodle, killcommand does 12 000 too 20 000 damage there is a ZERO missing on the current HP pools nothing moves it should be 200 000 but yeah at last i can practice a bit MM i anyway need more playtine there and on beta its also looks like the go to specc for PvP

Lmao that balance

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New patch :


  • Blackout Kick damage reduced by 8%.
  • Tiger Palm damage reduced by 8%.
  • Rising Sun Kick damage reduced by 8%.
  • Fists of Fury damage reduced by 8%.
  • Spinning Crane Kick damage increased by 13%.
  • Rushing Jade Wind damage increased by 20%.
  • Thunderfist damage reduced by 8%.
  • Strike of the Windlord damage reduced by 8%.

also :


  • Havoc
    • All ability damage increased by 13%.
    • Eye Beam damage increased by 100%.

enjoy XD


At least there are some hefty Ele, DK, Ret nerfs :+1: :+1: :+1:
And Fire Mage cheese AoE oneshot removed :+1:
And % based self heal nerfs for most pure DDs :+1:
And hybrid heals buffs :+1:
And 10% HP nerf for everybody (20% for DK) further magnifying the 2 last points :+1:
And CC nerfs (too bad they forgot Cyclone) :+1:
And Blood DK mechanical nerf on Death Strike :+1:
And Mage shields nerfs :+1:
And magic damage amp nerfs (Totem of Wrath, DK magic damage amp aura removed) :+1:
And 4.4% primary stat healer nerf :+1:

If only they cared to add 50% armor nerf at level 70
the remainder of prepatch could be somewhat decent :-1: :-1: :-1: :-1: :-1:


Idk what your problem is. I am enjoying the pre patch. I farmed the boring event a bit, leveled a few characters in mop remix and started another run through in RE 4 remake. :slight_smile: It’s the perfect time to take a break and play something else.

i’d recommend RE2 remake if you didnt play it yet :slight_smile:

Also Elden RIng if you like such games and Baldurs Gate 3 if too