Armoury not updating since last night

I have the same problem as well

Same here, EU-Blackhand

Also not updating for me at all, it registered 2 runs I did on wed morning and nothing after.

Same here Hyjal Eu

Yeah, same here aswell. EU-Blackhand.

I have same issue , Bloodhoof EU ,earned a lot more battle pets (and i haven’t seen them update !

Same Issues here. Blackhand EU Horde

The last Runs are not on RIO and not on the Armory Page

Posted und wrong character.

Same Issues here on Blackhand EU

I also have this issue.

I am another brick in the wall

Yep same here after 2 days I’d say even. Too bad, because without updated armory I cannot update my RIO and in turn people don’t wanna take me to raid/dungeons because they don’t know my progress :confused:
Edit: My server is Magtheridon

Same here! ran quite a number of mythics and a normal raid and have had no update since friday

well on this character

Hey same issue, no updates since Friday. Thanks for the good work keep on tight! <3

Same Problem here armory is not updating anything

Same here Silvermoon - EU. Think RIO is getting occasionally inadvertently DDOSed from people spamming update thinking it’s RIO’s side :S

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Same issue for me on Argent Dawn

Same issue for me on Argent Dawn

Same here - Stormscale

Same fault. My transmog has updated but mythic progress and gear changes haven’t.