Arms Warrior and Outlaw Rogue looking for new friends to push high Mythic + keys with!


My friend and I are looking for players to form a M+ group with who will run keys together regularly. We need a tank, healer and a ranged dps of ANY class/spec. Sadly members of our old m+ group in BFA did not return for SL. So we’re looking for new players to push keys with regularly. We were both 3.7k raiderio score in the final season of BFA. I would post links of our previous scores but bnet won’t let me :frowning:

Marcas - Tarren Mill and Yibzor - Stormscale is our mains. Look us up in raiderio if you want to see our current and past m+ scores.

Currently we are both around 750-850 raiderio. What we require:

  • To have current raiderio score of at least 700, 800 if tank.
  • To have ilvl of at least 200.
  • To have intimate knowledge of your class/spec.
  • To have basic knowledge of the dungeons.
  • To use voice chat with us, we use Discord.
  • To have maturity and patience and to not easily tilt. We will deplete many many keys. We have played a lot of keys together and know each other well. We don’t flame each other and we won’t flame you.

Our goal first and foremost to push towards getting +14 keys for a couple of weeks so we can get 226 ilvl items from weekly vault. From there we push as high as we can.

Please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you’re interested, my bnet is Marc#25817 and my discord is marccdscrd#9080.

All the best,
