Arms Wars are also overtuned

I thought you said that you were going to post it but then saw someone showing off a bigger number, which put your measly 4 million to shame.

Meanwhile it feels like I’m here doing a gentle asmr massage on my dps classes… :biting_lip: :raised_hands:


Well, look at that! Wariors nerfed

So, where are the people above who were defending it, now?


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In shadowlands armor was changed to reset each patch all physical only damage dealers will lose a lot of damage as we get honor gear nevermind conquest gear.

This is only the case for classes who do spell damage/bleeds physical damage right now is as strong as its going to be the entire patch.

*was ur time to shine :dizzy:

Now that most of the outliers have been dealt with, and I suppose more tuning will come, lets talk about how overpowered (hehe) the new Overpowered Barriers are.

Like, even with the nerf, who thought giving an already slippery and hard to kill class a mini Karma every 30 seconds was fine…

Good luck to all melee when mages will just time barriers for those moments when they do connect…

warry is still good after this xD

We are having a cool theoretical discussions here but what’s happening in the upcoming season matters. It is granted the recent changes were aimed for the next season. New season 39 ilvls more which means simply more stats. With current gear Mortal Strike deals a whopping of 50%-60% hp max if its crit if procs are active+modifiers+cds ,4M dmg on 8M hp target! I estimate an increase of 40%-50%hp increase and a 30%-40%dmg increase when we will be fully equipped with bis and epics. After the nerf on MS (25%) we have : 3M dmg , new gear===> approximately 4M - 4.2M dmg, health points===> 10M -12M . So the percentage of hp dealt by maximum damage of mortal strike is halved! Number stays the same , however less percentage hp are lost.

even if ur calculation is correct, the hp gets increased for everybody. so other dps speccs will do less % of max hp as well. so that is not rly a reason to not nerf dmg outliers.

the funny part is that the ppl complaining mostly some casters which are always broken even sp is broken if u rotate the deffs u have u cannot die but ofc mr dümbledore idk how he even got legend cause he facetanks every dmg int he game spekaing of personally faceing him.

Should’ve blinked. :s

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Seconding this, psychopathic amounts of damage from both Fury and Arms.

aaand arms is hot beans again, not even close to fury what a joke of design nerfing stuff based off off season. slam hits similar to mortal now:D

Ye, not really. From today

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bro i was hittin this much last patch even more playing demolish 11.0.7 pre buffs and arms was already considered bottom tier in 3s xd if ur low cr doesnt matter what u play, all around arms is just in bad spot now because core design is terrible and only pve numbers can make up for bad design that they nerfed based of off seasonxd. its gonna be fury meta all over again because i tried both and its night and day

What was the name of that warrior because i am at 670 ilvl and my highest MS was 3m with crit full cd i just want to check his gear because maybe the guy was abusing the faction change bug and he is already in full conq gear.