Arms Wars are also overtuned

There’s “funky numbers” in between patches, and then there’s complete absurdity in the likes of Alpha class imbalance like this:

How do numbers like this make it live? Completely deleted the mage within 5 seconds of the round starting. Is this the plan? For Arms to be the almighty unstoppable gods destroying targets at each footstep like Godzilla?

He had already critted for 4M in the previous round, which already felt stupid. Imagine our reaction on this round


Nice to see. Anyway did bro’s keyboard disconnect or how does that even happen?

How was he supposed to react in time to a oneshot? Are you being sarcastic? Are you really going to defend an ability dealing this much damage? Mage lost all of his hp within 1.4 secs

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Well, its our time to shine I guess

Sm*xxin special again

I really wanted to post about 4,1 million Mortal about half an 3 hours ago. Now I see, everyone else suffers from this :smiley:
A warrior just deleted me just one hit with full resilience and with 40% damp :smiley:


There should be an honor talent that increases MS damage by another 400% when used on a mage class. I think that is reasonable for the 1 global you get every 20 seconds.

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Stop crying rmp lock feral are broken a whole 30+ season now arms is back and u cry

ok, but none of its has 1 spell which hits 60% of your health

Ur one of those locks that facetank every meele u play a s tier caster beein 2k which was starting mmr i dont think ur brain understands it anyway

That’s how their deep wound mastery works you get x % damage taken + multiplier, it is about time that Arms got some love imho.

Arms meta is always better for everyone than fury meta. Just keep in this mind

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Dam warrior in damage control.

This is disc priest all over again. Trying to spread enough propaganda to dodge nerfs

What is your „BUUUUT CYYCLOOONEE“ warcry ?

I was “hit” by a 6m rampage last night. Insta-delete.

Both fury and arms need hard nerfs.


PTR 11.1 with full gear folk had 13-15m HP, on top of which you will have a crap ton more vers. Chill people, aint that deep.

Do u realize in full gear u will have more dmg than now?

I also see nobody complains about firemage and its 6 seconds reflect all damage shield. Also would be fixed with gear?

just press wall B)
5 mil is literally all cds aligned perfect go

That’s true but because crit has half value in pvp and the damage reduction of versa counteracts its damage amp, we can hope damage will scale slower than HP, unlike PvE

Outlier spells/talents/specs need to be adressed though

Sub+mm+disc will delete that warrior in opener :man_shrugging:

Its season of oneshot comps again. But sure thats a lot of dmg and will be noice in shuffle and such.

Gotta say, this was fast…there are many pvp nerfs incoming.

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