[A][RP] Guild Recruitment: Silverleaf Sentinels

:leaves: The Silverleaf Sentinels Are an RP focussed guild, looking for like minded souls with a passion for the creative. All levels of Roleplayers can find a home with us, from beginners to veterans as we are happy to guide any through the process and create events for all to enjoy.

:scroll: Information:

  • Originally a guild from retail, remade for Classic (Argent Dawn)
  • Founded at the launch of Classic
  • An all Night Elf Guild
  • Though our main focus is RP, a system is in place for those who want more from the game. We have a dedicated raiding team, clearing; MC, BWL & Onyxia weekly. (Wednesday, Sunday 19:00)
  • The Guild History & Story: (link) bit.ly/2xlKQ2Q

:star: Events:
Weekly events are scheduled including; social events, story nights, training sessions, collaborative events with other guilds and special WoW-DND events with a dice system and character sheets based on your own character and story.

:crossed_swords: Recruitment Process:
A small OOC interview will take place to evaluate where the player may be in their Roleplay journey, suggestions may be made at this stage, though nothing is necessary other than the drive to want to RP with the community. Any lingering questions can be asked and answered.
If goals align, the player will then be invited to converse with their fellow guildies and join in on all the Dungeon, PVP & Raiding fun. Once the player feels their character is ready to join the fray, an IC interview will take place to properly introduce them into the Silverleaf story arch.

:herb: LFM:

  • Members
  • Event Management Officer

Ingame: Eeria, Shelari, Tyrillia, Emeeria, Ethila
Discord: @ZoeMoon#7146

IC Poster:
The goddess shows her vengeance by the blood of her children, balance shall be restored once more, Andu-falah-dor!

Ride with us under the shroud of eternal midnight, ride with us and fight.
A threat spreads under the cover of Ashenvale’s sprawling canopies, leaks into her veins, attempts to poison her roots, and we cannot ignore the drums of war.

Children of Stars, chosen of Elune, The Silverleaf Sentinels call out for your aid!
Stand beside us on our quest to safeguard our kin and restore the empire to its former glory. Not all will draw a sword to fight, some may support through other means, because in truth, not all wars are won with bloodshed alone. We will protect and those of lesser strength and nourish those who already possess it.


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