[A][RP-PvP] <The Disciples of Light>

Posters hang on bulletin boards found in various places where the lights faithful gather together, the top of which has The Disciples of Lights crest

The Disciples of Light are recruiting!

Who are we?
We are a Holy Order of the Church of the Holy Light serving the Alliance. We seek to bring the Lights Divine grace to all those willing to open their hearts to the light. A close fellowship of Brothers and Sisters trying to make the world a better place. The core beliefs of our order are the three virtues - Respect, Tenacity and Compassion.

What do we do?
As servants of the light we aim to heal the wounded, guide the lost and protect the innocent. Many dangers lurk in our world and the Disciples are ready to stand fast in the face of evil if the need arises. We also stand ready to take the fight to the horde and defend the lands of the alliance from their ferocity.

What can we offer?
We offer a place among our order, to stand shoulder to shoulder with liked minded individuals. To provide training on both physical and spiritual levels. You need not be a devoted servant of the light already to join our order, only that your heart is open is to it’s graceful wisdom.

What do we expect?
Those seeking to join our order must be willing to follow our orders code of conduct. Those who do successfully join will start as Neophytes and over time work their way up the ranks as they demonstrate the values of what it is to be a Disciple and a faithful follower of the light.

What should I do?
If you are interested in joining our order you can approach any member bearing our crest for more information. We can often be found lingering around the Cathedral of Light if not engaged in our duties.

You may also send a letter to the following members requesting an interview -
Lady Ceanna Pureheart (High Chaplain)
Ethilian Thornwright (Chaplain)
Anita Goldsmith (Chaplain)

I look forward to meeting you should you choose to accept this offer.

Walk with the grace of the light
Lady Ceanna Pureheart
High Chaplain of the Disciples of Light

The Disciples of Light are an RP-PvP guild that are looking to find new members!
We offer a relaxed and friendly environment to roleplay in and hold a variety of different events from lessons of faith to hunting down dangerous heretics.

Anyone interested in joining can check out our website (A member of our order can provide you with a link to the website/forums in game). We would also ask that you read both our IC and OOC codes of conduct before deciding whether or not to join

Due to the nature of our orders beliefs we usually do not recruit Night elves as they worship the goddess Elune and we understand that most gnomes are too pragmatic for something silly like superstition. For obvious reasons we do not permit warlocks in our ranks as they go against what we stand for.

You can approach any of our members ICly or OOCly for further information. Current guild officer in game names are -
Ceanna (Gm)
Elpriesto (Officer)
Anita (Officer)

To apply via the website simply click the “apply” button at the top of the webpage and we will try arrange an in game interview.


Want to vouch for these guys and say they are some of the best in the business!
Friendly, welcoming yet experienced role-players in their own right. Im the GM of an RP guild also but if I was looking for light based RP I’d be with DOL in a heartbeat :slight_smile:


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