[A/RP] <The Handmaidens of Elune> A new moon rises... šŸŒ˜

:waxing_crescent_moon:The Handmaidensā€™ Creed :waning_crescent_moon:

We swear ourselves to Elune, giving the Goddess our loyalty over all else.
We abide by the laws of the High Priestess and our people.
We accept the charge to protect our kin, our lands and our heritage, and that we are held to Eluneā€™s standards in how we fulfill this charge.
We will conduct ourselves with wisdom, with honour, and with dignity as we walk beneath the Goddessā€™ banner.
We shall strive always to maintain balance, in our actions and thoughts.
We swear to always continue to learn, to grow in ourselves, and share our knowledge to teach others. We will remember, always;
Duty before self.

The Handmaidens of Elune are a circle of Kaldorei women who devote their lives to the Goddess and Her teachings. Formed with the ideal of being a mirror of the ordained Sisterhood of Elune, the Handmaidens seek to actively live their faith and bring Elune to others through their words and deeds. Seeking to embrace all facets of the Goddess, they are healers, they are teachers, but they are also an arm for Elune on the mortal plane, protecting the Wilds and their people.

The Handmaidens vehemently protect the culture and heritage of the Kaldorei people, continuing the practice of ancient rites and rituals to ensure these customs are not lost. They reside in the Temple of Isildien deep in the forests of Feralas, and have put great efforts into transforming the ruins that have become their home into an active hub for worship and sanctuary to any who seek them out.

Our Devotions

:crescent_moon: To Create a Space for Prayer: The Handmaidens will regularly hold formal, open worship for all to attend in the spirit of peace and fellowship. In this way they will ensure Eluneā€™s wisdom is not lost and Her healing influence may be felt by those who perhaps need it most.

:crescent_moon: To Create Community Where it is Lost: With the burning of Teldrassil and the loss of our peopleā€™s central hub, the Kaldorei are scattered across Azeroth and many have cloistered themselves away, wounded and enraged. Because of this, the Handmaidens seek to not only maintain Isildien as a place of spiritual sanctuary for the Night Elf people, but to also broach out into the wider world and find our displaced kin, bringing temple to them.

:crescent_moon: To Aid Efforts in the Reclamation of Kalimdor: While Elune may be a Goddess who encourages peace, She is by no means a pacifist. Her Handmaidens will go where they are needed in the ongoing conflict to wrest our lands from those who invade and taint it. These daughters of Elune will lift shield and stave to bolster warrior ranks when the Wilds need us, as well as heal those who might fall as they defend our forests.

:crescent_moon: To Grow Closer, One and All, to Elune: All Sisters are encouraged to undertake learning and pilgrimage and in turn pass this knowledge on as new initiates join our fold. We strive to find the Goddessā€™ influence in all things, to listen when She calls us to service, and to culture a personal relationship with Her that we might better share Her blessings with others. The Handmaidens believe every path to the Goddess is different and each of us have unique gifts from Her that should be developed to the betterment of our world.


:crescent_moon: Initiate: The first rank allocated to all new members, those who have recently joined our circle and are being given time to settle, bond, and find their place within the sisterhood.

:crescent_moon: Handmaiden: Those who after at least one lunar month have found their rhythm within the Handmaidensā€™ order, have proven their loyalty to the Goddess and their Sisters through being an active and contributing member of the community, and shown the strength of their own faith by assisting with rite, ritual and living Eluneā€™s lessons actively to the benefit of others.

:crescent_moon: Guardian: The physical elite of the Handmaidens of Elune. Those who have shown strength and prowess, devoted to the protection of our Temple, our sisterhood and our lands. Those wishing to become a Guardian will first have to prove their mettle by undertaking multiple demanding trials while ensuring their faith in the Mother is unwavering.

:crescent_moon: Shanā€™falore: The highest achievers and exemplars of the Handmaidens. Those who have proven over time their absolute devotion to their Goddess, to their kin and to Kalimdor. To walk the path of the Shanā€™falore is to become a role model spiritually and ethically to the others within the order. With this title come new responsibilities to others; they are leaders among us, trusted as a voice to represent our sisterhood and the Goddessā€™ wisdom to the world.

:crescent_moon: Captain: The Sister in command of the Guardians, who oversees physical training for the Handmaidens and maintains the safety of us all. Current Captain: Daā€™leshar Mistoak

:crescent_moon: Guide: The Sister responsible for overseeing the spiritual growth of those who enter within the Handmaidenā€™s circle, from the budding Initiates to the development of the Shanā€™falores. Current Guide: Orithiel Dreambough

:crescent_moon: Shanā€™delar: Meaning ā€˜honoured keeper,ā€™ the Priestess who is ultimately responsible for the wellbeing and care of the Handmaidens of Elune, who oversees the order and all of itā€™s activities. Current Shanā€™delar: NiĆ”mh Frostfall

OOC and Recruitment Information

A new year, a new forum thread. The Handmaidens of Elune have had a wonderful first 9 months, found our feet among the Argent Dawn roleplay community, and have much planned for the coming year in both guild activities and open events.

If youā€™re interested in joining the Handmaidens of Elune, please feel fee to drop us a line, either in game, through the Argent Archiveā€™s PM system, or you can contact NiĆ”mh via Discord at NiĆ”mh Frostfall#2392. Weā€™ll be happy to answer any questions and arrange a meet up if you want.

We accept the following classes:

:crescent_moon: Priest, Druid, Warrior, Mage, Hunter, Monk, Rogue

We do not however accept the following:

:crescent_moon: Death Knight, Demon Hunter

As a religious circle the Handmaidens want to attract those who are strong in their faith and devoted to both the Goddess and their people. Therefore, our recruitment process has been reviewed and will now be as follows:

:crescent_moon: Those showing interest in joining the guild should make contact with us OOC by one of the means suggested above.

:crescent_moon: Once youā€™ve made contact with one of our officers, an IC meeting will be arranged and youā€™ll be offered a two weeks trial period. This will not be an invitation to the guild, but an invitation to interact with us IC, come along on any adventures we might have, as well as being given a guest rank within our Discord and in-game community channel so that we might get to know you.

:crescent_moon: At the end of the two week period, the officers and the applicant will review how the trial has gone, and whether you still wish to join.

:crescent_moon: If all goes well, you will be invited to write and enact your own ritual of self-dedication to Elune that will be observed by the other Handmaidens, and then invited to the guild.

Our Argent Archives page, where you can see some of our previous events and adventures: https://www.argentarchives.org/node/225046

If you have any queries about the above or anything else, please feel free to get in contact with us, weā€™d love to hear from you.


Last night the Handmaidens invited anyone in need of healing be it physical or psychological to visit the Temple during the House of Healing hours. We had a chance to meet with new people as several similarly dedicated menders came to offer their skills and help.
Alas it seems not many are in need of healing at this time which given the recent events is a good thing!
We focused instead on getting to know the new allies and perhaps even close a few cooperation deals for the future!


I highly recommend Handmaidens of Elune!


8/10 - Theyā€™re okay

Not that we like them or anythingā€¦


Feel free to visit us in Feralas if you want some chill rp :3


With the wilds being alert to some unknown dark forces and cultists of void prowling the continent the Handmaidens joined together for a Memory Mist ritual to strengthen their bonds and to focus on something more positive in these dire times.

With their Guide overseeing the ritual each of the present Handmaidens got to share a precious and happy memory with her Sisters.

We were honored to visit treasured moments of childhood plays and family comfort. Revisit the joy of being with the loved ones or present others with the warmth that being part of the Sisterhood can bring.

We are looking forward to doing more rituals, be it to build up our part of the Sisterhood or to Praise the Goddess herself.



Lunar Festival Time!

Sharing lovely memories, hosting a Lunar Festival Celebration.

Its almost like were doing lots of nice things before something bad happens!


A week had passed since things had started to change in the wilds of Feralas, it took a lot to unnerve Valdia, but a darkness had lingered and increased rumors of silithid and cult activity had given reason for concern.

Already she had encountered cultists on Hyjal, hunted them though Desolace and come face to face with their supposed leader, but the silence that had followed and the increasing miasma of gloom had embedded her concerns.

The Chattering, the constant chattering of insectoid forms would drive her to madness if not for the fury it built in her chest, her axe thirsted and she had sated it. but she could not stray too far, the Temple would not be undefended.

Valdia dropped to one knee in the doorway of the temple of isilidien and placed both hands upon the ground, feeling the energies of the divine ward that her leader had placed. she closed her eyes and reached out to mother moon, feeling her divine embrace part the darkness that permeated the forest. in silence she prayed, asking the divine mother for her protection, to watch over the Sisterhood. uttering words of supplication and love as a silver aura spread from her palm, reaching across the ground and encroaching upon the stone that formed the archway. flecks of darkness sparked to life as the Night Warriors protection manifested, streaks of azure flaring though the divine conjuration and vanished as quickly as they appeared.
ā€œAnuā€™dorini Talahā€, she uttered, speaking her prayer aloud as the entire archway flared with an seemingly unbreakable wall of moonlight, bathing the priestess in the goddesses luminescence before it too faded away.

Valdia stood once more, the passage into Isildien standing clear once more, the warding soaking deep into the stonework, empowering what Niamh had already placed


Just gonna pop this here :grin:


Thank you Handmaidens, very cool.


Night elves that didnā€™t stab me as a reaction? Woo!

I had great RP with you guys during the Lunar Festival! Makes me wonder when weā€™ll meet again. Battlefield or Partyfield?


Weekend is over, my boy. times-a-changing!! :smiley::dagger:


Currently the Handmaidens are traversing the Eastern Kingdoms, seeking to live their missive and bring Eluneā€™s light to their displaced kin. Having already brought supplies and care to the refugees still residing in Stormwind, and passing through the foreboding forests of Duskwood to tend a while to the Grove there, the Sisters and their allies continue their journey North, searching for any of their people who may be lost and without hope with the intent to bring what aide they can.


And we are back home in Feralas. The trip to Eastern Kingdoms proved interesting with the Handmaidens meeting many new people and seeing new places. With the restoration of the Moonwell in Wetlands it is time to turn our attention to new adventures!



The Handmaidens had finally returned from their mission to the east, bringing Eluneā€™s light to those who thought themselves forsaken by it. the Refugeeā€™s had been left with blessings, renewed prayer and full bellyā€™s. Twisted nightmarish horrors had been slain in Duskwood and the well had been tended too.

Venturing north, they found themselves in the snow blanketed valleys of Dun Morogh before heading down to Loch Modan. the brief peace was broken by various travelling bands, a Warlock who had lost everything and demanded justice, a Mechanical construct seeking aid with archaeological and a wayward Vulpera were there to make their visit interesting.

After stopping at the Loch, the group made the final leg of their journey to the Wetlands. discovering the Greenwardens Grove where they revelled in the restorative energies of the well. not all was at peace however, as void cultist Orcā€™s sought to slay one of the sisters, leading Daā€™leshar to organise a group to bring justice and slay the rest of its kin. a fight that was as bloody and violent as it was short.

As a final parting gift, the Handmaidens, working with the Glaivewings, Starweavers and a mix of travellers, gathered items from the surrounding area and harmonised the moonwell, reconnecting and restoring its bonds with the local area, sending a pulse of energy to the area that sung in the hearts of many. revitalised and invigored, the group finally took their leave. heading back to Feralas via Portal, and going home to the blessed Temple of Isildienā€¦


A friendly poke from a friendly Tauren. Looking forward to hanging around you guys again even though our views on Elune are not the same! Will stop by at the Temple to meet you all!


Look forwards to it, let us know in advance so we can plan steak night!

I meanā€¦


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