Art of the Glaive / Thrill of the fight -- not working?

Hi there.
I am very puzzled. I am not seeing the Art of the Glaive hero talent work, and I am not ever seeing the buff Thrill of the fight after using the supposed enhanced chaos strike and blade dance (following the Reaver’s Glaive). I have even made a weak aura to track the buff, but it never pops up either. Thrill of the fight is supposed to give a speed buff and damage buff, and so I have checked the damage numbers on spells when the buff is supposed to be activated - but no increase to be seen.

I am finding other posts and threads of people being confused or saying this isnt working properly, but all quite a while back. Nothing about it being fixed, or explaining how I might be doing something wrong.

For the record, I have all the talents from the Aldrachi Reaver tree on the left side activated:

  • Art of the Glaive
  • Fury of the Aldrachi
  • Aldrachi tactics
  • Incisive Blade
  • Thrill of the fight

Anyone with any insight, or experiencing the same issue? Thanks in advance!

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