Art of war still resetting Blade of Justice while it's already on CD

and it’s been like this for ages, when is this going to get fixed ?

What do you mean? That is the talent.

I mean what the title is saying, the talent is resetting a skill that is already on coolddown and that shouldn’t work like that.

Each auto-attack has a 18% chance to proc aow. What would be the point of aow not proccing while BoJ is ready? That wouldn’t change the proc chance of other auto-attacks.
Besides it does more than just reseting the cooldown. It increases the BoJ damage, procs Ashes to Ashes talent and auto-casts consecration.

So limiting aow to not proc while BoJ is ready would only nerf us.

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And it’s bad thing to tie so much to just one talent.

Having aow proccing while blade is on cd is already a dps loss.

Do you mean that when Blade of justice is allready on CD and Art of war procs and yuyou use Blade of justice again, it resets the cooldown count from beg8inning?

If so, what i think should happen is that When you use Blade of justice with AoW proc, it is used as a separate from the adtual Blade of justice CD so that the Blade of justrice CVD will not start when used with proc and that the cooldown will continue from where it was when the proc is used to have m0re uses of Blade of justice.

Im happy with anything that makes paladin in general feel more a<ctive class. Auto attacks are not exiting.

I’m still confused by what Logtar means.

I mean that Art of war should only PROC when Blade of Justice is OFF CD.

Explain to me why its a dps loss if it does, aslo i think your wording is a bit wrong. Do you mean it should only procc when its ON CD because only then does what you say make sense. Even then i dont think its a dps loss as it can still proc ashes to ashes and ashes to dust.

If it procs when its off CD then there is no meaning to it.

It’s a dps loss cause such talents procs are ppm.

Not everyone plays with ashes to ashes.

Ehm… no it dosn’t? It clearly states 12% chanse per AA, 18% with blade of wrath (used to be 24%) and is also effected with the Zeal talent increasing AA speed by 30% for the next 2 swings (used o be 3).

Meaning the more AAs you do, the more often there is a chanse for AoW to proc.

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