Arthas movie plz!

Hello Blizzard,

Throughout my entire life, I have been playing Warcraft ever since I installed Warcraft II for the first time on my PC. I am a dedicated fan of World of Warcraft, nearing 40 years old, and throughout my life, I have experienced the incredible stories that you have created in the Azeroth universe. Today, I would like to share a special request that I believe would not only benefit me but also many other players and fans of the saga.

I have been playing Warcraft throughout my entire life. The story of Prince Arthas of Lordaeron has always fascinated me. I feel that his journey and transformation are worthy of a cinematic adaptation that captures the full magnitude of the universe you have built. I envision an epic film that tells Arthas’s story in a way that only Blizzard would be capable of.

I believe that such a film would not only be a tremendous success but also provide a unique opportunity for players of my generation to share this rich narrative with younger generations. As we age, we want to pass on our passions and knowledge to our children, and a World of Warcraft film would be an incredible way to do so.

I understand that there are AI-generated videos on YouTube exploring this narrative, but nothing compares to the quality and authenticity that Blizzard could offer. I deeply admire the work you do, despite the challenges you face, and I trust that turning Arthas’s story into a film would be a legendary project that would touch and captivate millions.

I am not just expressing a personal wish; I also believe I am speaking on behalf of the entire World of Warcraft community. The potential for a unique and unforgettable cinematic experience is there, and I would be eternally grateful if you would consider this proposal.

Thank you for everything you have done so far and for the incredible universe you share with us. I look forward to seeing what the future holds for World of Warcraft.

Thank you,
Sérgio Fonseca

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