Artisan acuity drama

Long story short, I had no clue artisan acuity was important and wasted it on some craft I have no memory of.
Turns out I should have used it to get knowledge points instead.

Once the realization kicked in, I started to look for a way to get more of them and what do I find?

Two weeks ago people used to switch professions and get AA for each of them being able to farm 1000 a week, this is no longer possible therefore whoever used this (clearly unintended) method got the good stuff and the rest of the people are basically screwed.

I donā€™t see any way to correct my mistake or even remotely dream of catching up those extra knowledge points. I am basically stuck.

I switched to professions because honestly dungeons got extremely toxic and I tried to find something to do that would have a good sense of progression and not involve stressing yourself over other people.

So I guess itā€™s skill issue, GG, donā€™t let the door hit you on your way out for me?
Or is there a way to partially correct this?

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Sadly the only way to generate it is patron orders and the weekly quest.

Thereā€™s definitely a shortage of it. Itā€™s probably to slow everything down a little. I think itā€™s likely that there will be more, better sources for it down the road.

What weekly quest? Have i missed something?

The one to craft x number of orders

I have not seen this quest, woops! Where can i pick it up?

The consortium building in Dornogal. Inside. Outside is an npc yiu can place work orders but if you go inside there is an npc with a quest.

gatherers have it worst. theres no craft order for miners herb/ skinners

Awesome, nicely done.
The shortage is for whoever didnā€™t abuse profession swapping, meanwhile the exploiters get rewarded.

This is why when something unintended happens you either retroactively remove any gains made by people or let it be.

Anyway, thanks for answering, I appreciate.

And stupidly a lot of the Patron orders ask for 3ā˜… when I can only craft 2ā˜… WITH Concentration, or I donā€™t even have the recipe at all, so Iā€™m lagging behind in both Acuities and KP off ordersā€¦ :expressionless:

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Yeah they are awful. Ask for recipes I dont have, thing from trees I have no chance of being in yet, insanely expensive mats or far higher quality than I can make.

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I feel yaā€¦ I bought a recipe (for 150) just before I put points into a node which would have unlocked it anyway.

the weekly quest no longer exists, you get one(1) one time donation of likeā€¦500?

Also editing this to add that the weekly quest you talk about is not enough to give you enough artisacs acuity, compared to the weekly quest that did the same in Dragonflight. Thats the one i mean.

The weekly quest is for the consortium to craft and that one still exists.

The individual weekly quests from the crafting stations are mostly removed. They only exist for the ā€˜secondaryā€™ professions and enchanting.

The fact that this was in the game is ridiculous. They design systems that are going to get exploited and let people exploit them before shutting them down.

Nobody in this world can tell me that they were not aware of this. I think it is highly likely that the discussion in the room was that none of the players would figure this out. SO they left it in.

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They are rewarding players who abused and gamed the system by not retroactively removing these illicitly gained currencies.

What blizzard is hoping for is that we the playyers do not make too much of a stink about these illegally gained currencies. If there were then you know they would fix it.

It is all about who screams the loudest now or who can get away with the most exploits on the quiet.

What are you two even talking about? :rofl::joy::sweat_smile:

Nothing has changed in the game since EA, NOTHINGā€¦ You want to swap profession? Go and do it, you will actually have more advantage now, because the materials are way cheaper now. It is not as easy as you think it is, and they did take away AA from first crafts that you learn from the trainerā€¦ (they took it away BEFORE launch), so gl hf. 1k AA per week is an interesting number, you might get it after spending millions though, but definitely not ā€œper weekā€. Are you talking about beta? Or about DF?.. You just read from reddit something you have no idea what it is. You guys only want to whine. Btw, if you unlearn your profession, your KP still will be there, so go on, do it and send screenshot of your profit and how much gold you spentā€¦ and time :rofl: :sweat_smile:

Youā€™re blaming the system for your poor play. Learn how to make gold, YOU are the problem, not the system. I make millions without shuffling

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