Artisan's accuity for gatherers

How can pure gatherers like me (herb/mine) get enough artisans accuity to place craft orders for their accessories?
I had enough to order an Artisan’s Sickle but not enough for an Artisan’s Pickaxe.
Apart from the 5 you get with each “first craft” bonus, is there any other way?

Ok, it looks like there has been a shedload of discussion on this before, with no solution yet in sight.

However, I do have some suggestions:
1 - Make AA warbound (would make most sense)
2 - Allow a third profession once the first two are maxed (I would love this idea)
3 - Make gathering profs secondary (I don’t like this one personally)

Any of those would work.

You get artisans accuity with the weekly quests and the weekly drops when mining (slab of slate and erorion polished slate) or herb gathering (deepgrove petal and deepgrove rose ).


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