As a fellow MM hunter

Thank you Blizzard for giving us an untested, mid-season ground-up rotation and hero talent rework when the 20th anniversary drops. You guys must have been so thrilled by the reception of that when you removed Double Tap in 10.0.7 in the same manner that you decided to multiply the magnitude and just break and resew the spec entirely.

Good. Idea.

nerf mm hunters


hunters are getting buffed/reworked, and still complain, i wish i had your problems lol

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No matter what they’re doing to which class, you just don’t do that mid-season on this scale. You want another retpocalypse? Cuz one is around the corner.

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i mean i get your point, but its because of Pve, hunter was in Pve really really bad, especially “bm gamergirl hunter”

and to be fair, the Hunter hero Talents felt really bad, compared to the other classes

i mean i try to be careful here, i just read the Hunter changes, and it just looks like “Shadowlands Venthyr” 2.0 Gameplay to me, i Dont think hunt will be on the Same level as Retpocalypse, it´s nearly impossible, this would require a complete rework without beta testing at all

For me the new Black Arrow looks better than the old one, what barely did any Dmg, and had a bad Proc chance, i can be wrong here, maybe its a change what will make hunter worse in singletarget? because they backed so much aoe dmg into the hero talents now.

I know it’s for PvE, but that’s the point. They just don’t care about PvP whatsoever, we got that reconfirmed after Shadowlands with 10.0.7, and now we’re only getting another reminder of how little they care about the gamemode as a whole. They’re pretending to be a competitive game while doing stupid stuff like this. Just make a season 2 at that date, if you’re so adamant at carrying out ~6 spec redesigns at once, because it’s unfair to everyone, even more so eith the amount of testing that goes (or rather not) into testing it and the amount of actial feedback reviewal.

I’m not saying hunter is gonna be like ret was, I’m saying multiole specs will be completely reworked, disvaluing literally everyone’s seasonal CR altogether, and potentially hampering/causing their progress entirely.

yy, i get your point, but we can’t do anything about it anyway we are sadly the minority, i mean when u look at those changes/class rework, u clearly see it is completely m+ intended, because of so many Aoe spells/buffs

I have no idea why they are coming up with such changes now, they should have just given the beta one more month…

Idd, or just put it into another season, as I said. Also, MM is gonna be super fun to play with both hero talents breaking CC :hot_face:

So, they just buffing hunter dmg in pve (they forgot mm is already s-tier in pvp)
Dark ranger is no longer needed to press another useless ability, kill shot procs getting massive buffs and become magic dmg

Btw, no other hunter with dark ranger was outdmging my sential full haste hunter on beta in 2300-2400 lobbies
And you 99% times play diamond ice in shuffle, breaking traps mostly happens not because of hunter

As an Elemental Shaman I want to hug you. They ruin Elemental in 11.0.5 in similar fashion.

I’m not angry about what they’re doing to MM, I’m angry what they’re doing to the gamemode. They’re shuffling the meta halfway through the season, again.

Hunter changes are not game breaking
now you are forced to peak useless 1 talent as mm, after “rework” you can peak steady focus and get free 8% haste after only 1 cast
Kill shot procs are from autoattacks which is far better than cringe mechanics mm has now. On top of that kill shot and autoattacks will be magic dmg which helps vs heavy armor classes

It’s better quality gameplay

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also from aimed and rapid fire :smiley:

i had the most fun with hunt in sl when venthyr was meta

dont care - i want my spooky banshee wings as soon as possible.

you guys treat this game like you’re top of the table in the premier league, when most of you, myself included, will never get a single rank 1 or even try to get gladiator

don’t care, will never care, and i feel sorry for anyone that does care that their precious meta might be swapped up mid season in a game they’re slightly good at


Holy. This looks good! Need it rn

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You’re right, because getting to r1 is virtually impossible as a newbie and I’m too lazy for glad. I’m 8x elite though, 7 consecutive, and legend once. Oh, and if you take mmr disparities into considerations and do the maths, you will very quickly find out that in 2s, 2.4 has lately been ugly close to r1 cutoff, if there was any in that bracket, but that’s another issue.
But oh well, something something minigame. You’ll see yourself how much you’ll love it when e.g. rdru is gonna be even more op out of the blue, two months into the season, and then people are gonna break their played comps because they will no longer make sense, and you’ll need to look for new friends, because they will ditch you for meta.

Looks sooo goood! :star_struck:

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MM is A tier in bgs and wil be barely A- or B tier in Solo Shuffle.

Aff lock, balance druid, uh dk, assa rogue etc will be way better in rated Blitz.

They removed Death Chakram to prevent button mashing so Black Arrow can take it’s place. Now they are removing it. Let’s hope new one will be more ‘useful’.

Precise Shots change will be hidden nerf for both 2 and 4 set bonuses.

You probably won’t even be playing the set this season anyway, it’S not like it matters for us in PvP.

Let’s add that Trueshot will be 3 seconds shorter after removal of the talent. This is a serious nerf for such critical skill.

Also just tried MM in ptr. Removal of the talent that increase damage of Aimed Shot and Rapid Fire by 20% is another heavy nerf.

They just nerfed damage of MM by around 20% veneer of rework.