As I level up my hunter I feel in need of an alt

On Stitches horde I have myself a hunter, but I feel myself in need of an alt for when I get feeling a bit burnt out. Should I make my priest alt as an alliance or horde? I’m thinking since alliance is much more populated it will be the last to die out and I’ll have no problem finding groups at higher levels. At the same time I see the benefits of having a higher leveled main of the same faction, specifically gold etc. to pass down. What do you guys think?

I didnt follow this years blittcon too closely, but arent two new game modes available at the end of november? Maybe wait to see what happens to the HC population at that point.

Other than that, Horde is always a good choice. Maybe try warrior or a priest as tanks and healers are always in high demand and are always fun to play.

Well season of Discovery is more casual and I do not belive lvl 25 experience will make someone from hardcore quit, just play less, maybe, for a while. SoD is more for fresh belivers, who played on Classic/Classic Era.

It’s better to have same faction - You can share guild, you can sent things …
But on other hand is also fun experience the other faction, so maybe make 3 new ones :wink:
I done the last - or more. 3 Hordies, 5 allys :wink: But I’m altoholic.

You like me? You stop at level 35-40? I have never got a mount on classic… wtf…

I actually made it to 40 in BC and 60 in Wrath - but this is exception! I wanted Brewfest Rams - both of them :wink:

Ok, you like me. I made 58,61,63 on wotlk, then stopped too…

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I have way more alts that that, but yes same :wink:

You get burnt out on all classes tbh.