As title says £39.99 for an expansion with mixed content

You didn’t count subs right?

So its 50 euros + 312e for the 24 months subs.

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Everything sounds so high in euros. But im guessing it prolly equals out with pounds in conversiob

I think its like about 120 a year in pounds.

So its not 40 for 2 years as stated above.


Well yeah unless they are ones who pay sub via gold ofcourse. I know alot of people who boost on russian servers to earn the gold to pay for their sub.

I assure you though. Id rarher my kid played wow then wanted these kid toys. A small figure costs 60 pound :face_with_thermometer:


“Shop”? What is this “Shop” you speak of, stranger? Pizzas are grown in The Pizza Place, and arrive at your door.

My local Pizza Place delivers 2 large pizzas for … um … £19.69 Sterling.

My life was changed when I discovered I could re-heat a pizza using a combination of microwave and oven, in such a way that it still tastes fresh the next day.


O.O From where?!.. i havent seen pizza that cheap since covid :frowning:

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The MMORPG genre is pretty much dead.

There is one expanding MMORPG and that is FF14 and that has it’s own problems.

Why? Because MMORPGs are stale. They’re not really adding anything innovative or interesting.

Lost Ark - held back by 500 hour tutorial before paywall endgame.
New World - thoroughly mediocre gameplay, even with the latest changes.
Star Trek Online - innovative space combat but killed by very greedy practices near endgame.
Star Wars: The Old Republic - thoroughly mediocre gameplay

If you’re bored by WoW, chances are, you’ll be bored by most of the other offerings.

FF14 is hit or miss. I hate the art style, the dungeons are also really badly designed and the story is good but not exactly something I prioritize in an MMO.

So the only thing left if you’re not interested in the above is WoW and Blizzard have been on creative life support for years now, even more so now they’ve got rid of their talented staff members and replaced them with amateurs.


and santa claus will pay the subscription .


My only gripe is that they didn’t hand out free statues of Alexstrasza on launch day. I mean they are only 1100 quid a pop. Hope I got her name right. Haven’t met her yet but then I’m only level 65. Saying that I have to go to Outland first… if I ever get there. You know how it is… always too much to do in this game. I have tried the expansion on one of my other chars and I was splitting my sides most of the time… I mean floating hippos. What ever will they think of next. Crazy.

PS Its 60 quid for Need for Speed… come on. This game is cheap as chips. Am I right… right… er right. How you doin’.


I disagree with this. I really enjoy doing the medal races also I’d love it if Blizzard make the multiplayer racing queueable instead of me just afking to the NPC.
I like a lot the open world in DF. It reminds me a lot of GW2 and that has the best open world of all MMOs on the market.

A town a bit outside Dublin. Single large pizza is £13.27, and he has a sort of “buy one, get one half-price” deal. He says it’s very popular, and I presume still worth it for the marginal cost. And I get a free delivery within one mile on orders over €20, so I’m golden!


Damn dublin sounds attractive to live in


Also works with our local ‘house special’ kebabs - 2 pitta breads and enough fillings for 2 mote on top. Great breakfast…


I really like the expansion. It’s very fun.


What…he pays mine…
Of course I do have to touch his sack for that!!!


This exactly my thoughts on WoW’s entertainment value. Money ways it is well worth it for me.

I used to love that game, the space combat, my own ship and bridge…
But boy, those lock box ships, and when perfect world bought it, and the game went free to play, that was the end…

But before that, was a solid game!!

If this is your complain about this expansion I think you have to sit down and realize if you wanna really play WOW or not.

Levelling and new features are meant to be done and mastered in a week more or less and are a very little part of a WOW expansion…

Play WOW means in a large part engage in end game contents (mythyc plus, raid, pvp, profession, reputation, future patch etc etc).

If you have searched in WOW something like 30 or more hours of unique questing and story sorry, but that it’s a mistake you’ve done.

Many Many Many Many better games are out there for FAR less than this, you fail to add that you also need to pay £10 a month for the privilege to sit in an Empty world waiting for a weekly reset to progress or Mythic + / Raids to drop. . . Quite obvious when you see how WoW’s numbers are and continue to decline whereas the other games out there tend to just increase in numbers . . .

NGL, we dont know the numbers to make that claim.

Personal opinons there overall, i think WoWs Far better then most mmorpgs on the market, and ironically, no Other MMORPGS arent increasing.

they’re are a far higher decline then WoW.

game works out at 2.69 a Day including full Subscription + Expansion on a 2 year cycle. Say, thats the same price as 3 Mars bars in todays economy.

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