[ASAP] Azeroth Salvaging and Procurement - Seeking Out Curiosities - Recruiting

Administrative Office Report (AOR):

Final preparations were concluded before permitting shipments to be sent to the designated area of ‘The Fourth Grand World Tournament’. We have accepted the terms of other clients within the Alliance to have their products, or produce, shipped with our catalogue of wares.

Our client’s shipments will be distributed upon arrival for them to complete their preparations in setting up their own business both at this public establishment.

ASAP will attend with a booth of their own, following a catalogue of salvaged and restored curiosities.

Members of Alliance Salvaging And Procurement will be participating in the tournament, the office staff sends their, ‘Good luck’ wishes. And of course, extend the best of luck to the friends and acquaintances of Alliance Salvaging And Procurement.


Director Jeremy S. Lochton
Alliance Salvaging And Procurement