I did heroic kiljaeden to get the mage tower tint (yes, i did the mage tower back in legion) and it did not drop. Ive sent a couple requests to GMs but none could help… helpppp
Oh, didnt know one could still get the other tints after legion was over. You sure this is a thing?
Yes, it says on the weapon tint and other ppl did it. But it didn’t drop for me. If you did the mage tower in legion it should drop.
Then i will give them a go aswell, only have the basic tint for Ret and Prot
Did you get the tint? XD
Just tried it now. I did get the tint, however not the transmog. I can change my Ashbringer appearance to the Tomb tint but not transmog it on other weapons.
Im a hoarder, kept all the artifact items and legendaries i can make on Pala.
Hope its a bug thats fixed soon, this version fits perfectly for the Arathi pvp set.
Edit: just as i typed this i saw “Ashbringer has been added to your appearance collection” xD
Edit2: I did use my Ashbringer when clearing ToS just in case that was needed. I did also change tint and equipt it for a while (2ish mins) b4 i got the message. Might be whats needed?
Ive sent 3 msgs back to them, got default “not my job” answer back and last gm told me to post it here so a developer can help… i did it on heroic and did not receive the tint. But congratulations the colour on that weapon is rly cool!
Have you looked in pala class hall if you got it?
Yes, still nothing
edit : So, what happened was, i deleted the original paladin that i did the mage tower with, therefore deleting the achiev from my account (???) and from my other paladins (???). Retrieved the main paladin in legion and did the did and its done…
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