Any one seen what stats and speed Ashbringer will have?
It always been the goal before going to BC to have it.
Its no bc.
I know. Just saying i trye to get it before it starts.
There will be no ashbringer this phase it seems. Blade of Inquisition is gonna be bis and Ashbringer will probs be available phase 8.
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There is no phase 8 and tbc wont be out in sod. This is the last phase.
No they announced a scarlet monastery type raid at the tyr’s hand.
I also think they will give us a chanse to cleanse Ashbringer.
Whit Kara crypts and if we can cleanse AB they will go out whit the win.
The only thing im afraid of is they did put alot of work to KC and if they don’t for Tyr’s hand they will lose.
Sod is a gigent beta for classic+ (I gues) so if Th is a simple people wount be looking forward to +