< Ashen > are looking for excellent players to progress through TBC-C
Raid days: Wed/Sun
8 - 11 Game Time
About us:
Ashen is a guild made to complete all TBC-C content! We pride ourselves on being a very tight knit low key group working in unison for the same goals throughout classic. A lot of our player already have long history of raiding together and want to take our community and ideals in TBC-C. Some of us know each other in real life and think of each other as friends and family. We are not only a raiding guild, but a raiding community.
What we offer you:
- A guild where you will be treated with respect and your voice will be heard. We always welcome thoughts, ideas, and strategies.
- A raid team where spots are given out based on merit and not on favouritism.
- A social rank available for those that reach full member status and would like a friend or family member to experience our atmosphere.
- A guild in which you will get as much back as you put in.
What we want:
- Players with a strong raiding background, a willingness to improve and thorough knowledge about their class. We are all social creatures that enjoy each others’ company. We are a guild of team players.
- Drive to be the best of your class and spec.
- People looking to be part of a team for the long term. We are looking for players that want to spend the rest of their raiding career here.
- We want each and every one of our members to enjoy raiding here with each other and we recruit like-minded individuals.
If you want more information add failehawk#2564