Ashenvale questline

I am trying to complete the quest line in Ashenvale however chapter 3 (Splintertree’s Demonic Defense) still has not completed but their are no more quest markers on the map? Do I just need to look around for it or what??
Thanks in advance!

Can you remember if you have missed any of these quest?

I looked at the comments, and the top comment was this:

For those of you stuck around 41/62 (as I was) - head to the boundary between Ashenvale and Northern Barrens and pick up [this quest](, and whatever else you can find there. (Don't bother trying to pick up the earlier quests in that chain, at least if you're at/near max level and have done anything else; you won't be able to. But you can pick up the linked quest with no problems.)

Although the area appears to be in Northern Barrens, all quests there and all quest chains from there count as Ashenvale quests. 

That quest and subsequent chains completed the zone for me, with plenty to spare. =)

The replies to this comment, said that this fixed their problem

This is the quest he is talking about:

I found it lol, I had to go back to Orgimmar! But thanks! :slight_smile:

Goodies :+1:

Sometimes it’s one of the little things :smile:

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