I always have a lot of lag in Ashran and that is really the only place i have it, today i asked the raid in the BG and it seems a lot of players have that issue. Cant find anything on the forums about it tho. Is this a known issue? Any plans to fix it short term? For me its just unplayable if someone can point me to a resource about it awesome!
Also tremendous amount of lag in av, especially vs russian premade groups. The worst part is that they are not lagging at all…
today i joined an epic BG for the first time in bfa, 2 minutes in and I immediatly /AFK cuz the bg was literally unplayable due to lag
It’s still happening, both sides having massive lag (like 10 seconds between each cast). This is literally unplayable…
Belive me, they are laggin as much as you. They are mad as much as you. Problem lies not in them, but rather in blizz/IProvider routing.
We all have the same problem. I opened a ticket one week ago; I got a scripted reply.
been worse every patch in bfa it feels like because of all the new animations.
wish they would give some updates about this issue and if they are willing to fix it.
not like by turning off all addons will fix it lol.
i can play on all other epic bg with 144 fps but on ashran fps drop to 80-100 fps
I have 160 fps except for ashran and isle of conquest workshop fight. After workshop fight fps goes upto 160 again.
up we go come on blizzard dont ignore this !!
i mean these things never happen in pve content . blizz always give pvp players a rough plank of wood every now and then
The lag is particularly noticable in battlegrounds like Ashran and Tarren mill Vs Southshore cause of how clumped and diverse the number of players and realms were.
Did lagran 5 mins ago.Pressed fan of knifes on 01:56:12 and ability went of in my screen aproxx 30 seconds later. Combat log registered ability on 01:57:55. Entire bg froze a min later for over 3 mins. Ofc server tried to catch up and entire bg just dced and ofc all got deserter. If blizzard dont have the worse coders and servers in gaming industry,then i dont know who has.
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