Ashran lag

The lag in the Ashran battleground is just insane, we have a 10 sec lag… the entire alliance side seems to have it. There’s no way of using abilities whatsoever. And my home latency is 5ms so no way it’s due to my provider.

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It’s not just alliance, horde also has it, everyone has like 10 seconds of lag…

Is blizzard ever going to respond to this?
It’s ridiculous that this is so laggy.
It’s not playable! Shut down this BG or fix it. I don’t have any lagg is any other BG neither do my friends.

But this BG is really laggy.

@blizzard, any fixes?
And don’t come up with reset your UI and to default etc bla bla bla because alot of players are complaining about this.

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