[A][Silvermoon] 4/12 Disc priest LF Mythic progress

Character Name & Realm: Tyry-Silvermoon-EU
Class & MS/OS: Priest Disc 474ilvl
Discord Tag: Tyry#8584
Battle Tag: Tyrygoosha#2240
Faction: Alliance (recently swapped, do not want to use money to swap back again right now)
Days Available: Weds,Fri,Sat,Sun (prefer Weds and Sundays)
Times Available: 19.45 - 00:00 Server time
Current Prog: 4/12 Mythic (have done progress on Hivemind)
Desired Prog: Want to progress in mythic raiding and hopefully hit CE before the end of BFA

Im looking for a guild or raid group to complete Ny’alotha.