Ask Blizz Anything?

Are you against pineapple on pizza or are an honest person.

I’d ask about the long term plan with the anniversary servers. I want to know if they’re going to stop at tbc, keep tbc era servers or go the whole rotation as original classic.

When are we getting tattoos for ALL races?

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Why do you not take QA seriously?

Are you sure your team communicates with each other well?

Do you regret merging with Activision?

Do you miss being independent developers and your old philosophy of “it’s ready when it’s ready”?

Have you deliberately removed the ability to play on the Hardcore server with Russian localization and will never bring it back?

“With all billions of dollars you have, why don’t you hire in GameMasters as police officers for fight and permaban bots, goldsellers/buyers, cheaters, etc?”


£9.99 a month, then you earned $15m just from selling some dinosaur flavoured pixels… any chance of you investing some of that money in hiring people who can tidy up your game for you?


When we get oldest reputations as account-wide?

No about DF and TWW.


Why do you have a Cosby room?

Do you know what quality assurence and quality control is?

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Why do you hate the game so much you destroy it’s lore, story and characters on purpose?

[] :dracthyr_tea:

When will you remove expansion cost?

When players already pay subscription fees, expansions shall be free, just like Chinese servers.

Current expansion price + subscription fee is unreasonable double charge.

If players buy an expansion, then there should be no sub fee.
If players pay a sub fee, then the game expansions shall be free.

Expansion purchase + Sub fee = Buy an office copy + Pay a microsoft 365 subscription to use it. :joy: