If you could ask the developers one question, and they HAD to answer with FULL HONESTY, what question would you ask?
Can you please delete DH?
Why pvp is more and more awful every sibgle patch / xpac when itâs not that far from being good and fun to play.
Why do you keep forgetting the lessons of the past. You say you can see the playerbase donât like something, you change it eventually after ignoring feedback, then later repeat the mistake.
I suspect itâs because those who learned them are gone now, the new generation has come in and they need to relearn it all again
Can you make DH great again?
Can you stop trying to make Wow a racing game?Be it timer wise or actual racing(dragon riding courses,drive feature, etc)
Also can you chill with the underground zones?They are claustrophobic and too many already.
Will you ever learn?
When problem : lack of healers analyzing phase ends ?
Do you ever intend to fix scaling?
When are you going to make the Nightborne be same as their NPC counterparts?
No questions! Im happy with what Blizz are doing.
Cant wait for my new car!
How many people are subbed to WoW?
And questions like that. Itâd be nice to know facts rather than speculation from the playerbase.
Why do they create projects like the community council, and then do nothing with them?
Why do streamers appear to have more value than the core consumer?
Why does everything have to be an esport?
I can think of moreâŚ
Can you allow vulperas to be druids too?
When are we getting more race x class unlocks?
What really happened with the data loss and our guild bank deletion.
As in the technical details and decision making of higher ups, I know most of you donât care.
Me however⌠I worked as a network engineer, designed databases,⌠would very much like to know how they can mess up that royally and dismiss it as nothing.
In my entire career, I have never seen that at the places I worked at. They all had more professionalism and seriousness about data retention and making sure customers data was fully restored when something went wrong.
(I guess that 6 month sub is still active, seeing that I can post here)
Why did you turn RPG into Action game?
Easy. Because suckers will keep playing regardless.
They push the envelope to make things as arduous as possible, then reign it in saying âwe went a bit far with that, our bad!â after many complaints. Rinse and repeat.
They literally do it ALL THE TIME.
When are we getting wow 2
If the picture was rosy then they would had let you know by now