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Will there be forever-Classic-Vanilla PvE servers?

Please, design a hard level for Thorgast, like Rift Stones with some hard affixes with a great reward, good items, cosmetics or something attractive.

Do Tauren eat beef? Like have they ever had a burger


With the concerns surrounding server stability, excessive lag, prolonged queue times, etc. - do Blizzard have any plans on how they intend to improve the gameplay experience and better manage the servers and, if so, when can we expect to see improvements?

Regarding BC classic, are you going to adress “problems” we know will come up, like the difference between ally and horde paladins and drums of battle “forcing” people to go lw? If yes, how?


Will you finally aknowledge that there is a bot problem in wow and will you finally invest in proper software/hire people to combat said problem. As it will only get worse.

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How does a multi-dollar company manage to leak literally all the news to their own website? SMH.

Questions about BC Classic :
What will be the TUNING of the raids ? There were massive nerfs to current content during the BC era, and Heroics 5-men during the 2.4.3 patch had little in common with Heroic 5-men from the 2.0 or even the 2.1 version. Which version will we get ?

Do you plan to NOT implement some changes which came with patch, which were in hindsight pretty bad (or only relevant because WotLK was around the corner), like removing attunements ?

Do you plan that the Netherdrake Gladiator mounts would be account-wide and be accessible on retail characters as well?

It would drive many pvp’ers into TBC arena, while it wouldn’t change anything in Classic.

Have any chances in the near future to we’ll get some new druid skins like special worgen druid forms (same as zandalari or kul tiran basic druid forms) that way more unique then the current ones, or some possibilities to get back the mage tower appareances?


Will the character names of WoW Classic be reserved when TBC is released for a certain amount of time?

After 9.1 enables flying, will we also be able to fly in Oribos?

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Hello. I am Emeraldius from Russia. Please tell me if you are planning to introduce some kind of protection against failure when farming mounts and other items for the collection? Sometimes you waste hundreds of attempts and you never see the end. Why not make sure that every attempt adds at least a minimal chance to drop

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Lorewise. We really need more DK lore. What about the runes? If DK loose their runic power (it gets syphoned for example as mana) are they going to die dead or just became a regular “weak” undead?

Well, except for the bis gear part then yes, not gonna wear worse gear than we got. The increased gear definatly helps, but go check out the differences between old versions of items vs what we got with classic for mc and bwl times, its massive differences in power.

Class changes is also a massive power gain. And this will happen again in tbc, althought probably have a smaller impact due to tbcs higher focus on executing mechanics

Do you have any plans to deal with the massive gold inflation in Classic crossing over to TBC?

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Will we see more Ebon Blade involvement to the story?

Will we see a romance happen between Matthias Shaw and Flynn Fairwind ingame at some point?

What can blizzard do / what is blizzard willing to do against the community problem that is. The current and developing fight between people who play for fun and enjoyment vs the people who think you have to play to be cutting edge in everything you do.

I am personally very light hearted and play this game for the sake of fun but i feel like every time i do something that require you to be “good” as others would define it. I get met with negativity and foul comments.

I’m not asking for my own sake because, i can ignore it, but more for the people who this is more emotional this means a lot as it’s ruining their initative with getting involved in the game.

This does boil down to a “Spec - class and power creep problem” something that blizzard have already done “something” or with other words a lot to flush out with the covenants and their buffs to lesser played specs.

But this described problem seems to be worse than ever.

Mistweaver monk is really weak now compared to all the other healers, they dont have a powerful raid cd, and dont bring a lot of damage as well compared to disc priest and holy pala, do you guys plan on trying to balance it a bit with the other healers, so mw monk is viable again in high end raiding?