Ask your questions for the WoW Q&A here!

Why havn’t you decided to launch a new expansion for classic WoW instead of classic TBC? The spirit of an MMO is adventure and you are game designers.

Everything we will do in TBC is pre planned by the majority of the playerbase, that is uninspiring.


One of the reasons Arcane Mage is not very populair in M+ and Raid encounters is due the fact that they are very immobile, with the more populair Mage specs being able to move around while using their procs. What are your thoughts on changing the “Arcane Missiles” and “Clearcasting” proc to be able to channel “Arcane Missiles” while moving?


Hi. I’d like to thank you for hosting Blizzcon this year, and I guess that it’s no shock to you that many Classic players are eager for an announcement about The Burning Crusade.

My question is, given the - inverted commas - ‘abuse’ of world buffs and other metas during the WoW Classic which I think definitely created a scenario that was unanticipated, resulting in such phenomenons as raid logging would you say that lessons have been learned going forward?

If so what steps would you be willing to take to address players effectively ‘trivialising’ content with unanticipated ‘metas’?

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It’s 2021 already, why don’t we still have the ability to use spears or polearms in one hand in combination with shield?

Like the Necrolord soldiers have spears and shield. Are you aware of any obstacle of adding a new weapon type to game? Hell the polearms could be even reworked to be used as 2hander or one hander as well - just squish the stats if there is another weapon used along the spear/polearm and you are done… :confused:


May I ask if there will be reworks for some healers specs like MW monk or Holy priest?

Also, why are conduits are limited for changes?

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I am a Russian segment player, I apologize for the translation.

With each addition and update, fewer and fewer “Achievements” are introduced.
Unfortunately I am an active player, and in two expansions I have completed almost all of them. Are you planning to pay more attention to this aspect of the game? And when will there be new “achievements” from the list of holidays, such as “lunar festival” or “brewfest”?


will you nerf tyrannical and buff holy priest?


G’day to ya

I’ve seen a lot of people concerned about how a 16 y/o game stands up to modern day’s standards and I’d like to include myself in there because there really isn’t anything like WoW. It’s been an incredible journey, but aging is a thing. There IS a lot of outdated content, WoW’s philosophy has changed wildly during all this time but what has been done has stayed done. Now for the question itself
Is there a chance, a possibility, a thought or a remote future where WoW 2 happens? A new WoW with updated visuals EVERYWHERE, well thought lore/questlines/history and as-balanced-as-possible gameplay? I know it is a very open question but any info about it will do please. Thank you.

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Who is the real mother of cenarius - Ysera or Elune? This question haunts me.

I would also like to ask about classes.

First. Any new class being planned?
And second, because I’d like to share my opinion and since it’s related to my question. Any plans for a music-themed class (bard)?
I’ve always envisioned WoW’s possible bards like Monter Hunter’s Hunting Horn players. With a Rogue-like 3-5 point combo system that instead of just filling the points need to be combined with different generators that result in a different combo finisher. A healer spec using a 2H weapon, inspired directly by its source, and a melee DPS support-themed spec with dual wielding, inspired by blade dancers from RPGs in general. How about it?

will you expand the customization of characters?


It’s my first time responding in this post about Q&A in my 14th year of WoW playing time,and i can’t get many things such as why you have to make raids so difficult at start of expansions/patches mainly cause the character’s are unplayable cause of wrong tuning you are doing and you first nerf the raids/dungeons and after two-three months you ‘‘hear’’ the community and you make the character’s classes/specs playable.That is kinda bad for community and that the main thing you have to see why you are losing people after 2-3 months of release expansion (don’t count Shadowlands we got Corvid worldwide so we cant do nothing more than stay and play).I mean you dont want to have a good community with healhy people?
Suggestion: Play the game as we do check the class HEAR the guys who has the experience of this game,you aren’t just blizzard which we pay and you getting paid for this game,this is the game you maked for us and we after all this years loved it (HEAR US)
ps1: Make something like report system for mythic plus dungeons so we can type in there healer dont have clue etc so people should know about ‘‘bad’’ players and ‘‘good’’ players cause raid io isn’t a thing.
ps2: please do something with ppl are getting in group IF they have score not if they are good this is the game we want? the score?the log?
ps3: Ion can you speak Greek at Blizzcon? :smiley:



When mage towen will be enabled again?

When you add soloque to arena?

When u return Survival hunter to its pre-Legion playstyle (ranged)?

When u release new battlegrounds and epic battlegrounds? New pvp modes?


Would we be able to see the return of some Outlaw pirate abilities such as cannonball barrage - and the option to revert the name of sinister strike? I enjoyed the pirate theme and would enjoy the option again :slight_smile:


Wintergrasp and Ashran aren’t very fun to play. WG is all about the first fight - whoever wins will likely have access to vehicles before the other team, setting the match up for a very uneven fight, where it’s near impossible to come back from. I’ve had several WGs with that one fight seemingly determining the outcome of the whole BG. What kinda of ideas are you guys working on to make WG more more engaging throught the whole BG?

With Ashran it seems as much an issue of players not really understanding the battleground. Myself included, I suspect. I feel like there’s a very lacking amount of information regarding key strats and ways to gain points for players joining the BG. Perhaps an info panel on the first time playing the BG about such things as killing the enemy mage is worth 50 points, would be a huge improvement.
Often it’s just one big boring AOE/Nuke spam fest. Any changes to Ashran incomming?

I would love some more focus on BGs in general, especially epic BGs. What are your plans for any future changes to existing BGs and any upcomming new ones?

  1. Why are edits in pvp appearing so slowly? Nowadays, many classes still have huge damage, and some are not in the ladder at all. I want to play the game from control, not when I pressed 1 button and killed.
  2. Many classes have a huge number of spells. I have 36 buttons for the druid and this is with macros. is it worth waiting for the unification of spells and rebalancing of the same druid? Let’s say the moon and sun lights have the same mechanics, but occupy 2 slots. why not combine them into 1 spell, let’s say astral fire, which will hit 2 times more.
  3. players want to quickly switch covenants. like a cat and a tree in the arena, I need kirias and necrolords, like an owl in rbg, I need fairies, like dps in insta, I would like are saying that the more participation, the better the reward. But how can I participate more if fairies are required of me in RBG, and in the arena I’m a healer?
  4. I would like to see an improvement in the fast fame leveling of lagging twinks. now it takes about 2 weeks to fully pump the conductors.
  5. there is a huge problem on a small arena rating, when dressed guys with 40k hp go up against newcomers. I have always played on average at 2k rating, but here my rating hangs at 1500. I don’t want to go to mythic +, I play only arena. I didn’t have time to get dressed at the beginning of the walk and I have no dressed friends, so at level 200 of gear I cannot go beyond 1500.
  6. the torghast tower is very boring
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When u back to development system of symbols? Have u plans for castomize animation and sounds effects of general spell and abilities by using symbols? I wanna opportunity for my character to use old animation of spell from old addons(lich king, cata, pandaria e.t.c)

why do you hate rogues?

Hello, great wotk for this expansion (shadowlands)
However, can you react faster considering all tools you’ve got (raider. io , internal stats etc…), and a bunch of professional players / streamer who play mythic raid, +25 keys and high ranker arena.
We cant obey to “your meta” and see same classes / specialization dominate the whole expansion tier.
Can you develop a method to balance the game faster and keep all classes interesting ?
Adding % damage or % healing is often not enough if whole classe is not fun to play.

Hi everyone.
A few questions about PvP

When to wait for changes in PVP:

  1. UP MW Monk
  2. UP Holy Priest
  3. UP Fury Warrior
  4. UP Restor Dru
  5. UP Assa Rogue and Outlaw Rogue
  6. UP Demo-warlock
  7. UP Arcane and Frost Mage
  8. UP Unholy DK (heal from ds, damage)
  9. UP BM Hunter
  10. NERF PALADINS ( All spec in PvP! GOD, WHEN?! )
  11. Nerf WW Monk
  12. Nerf Convoc again (or redesign it)
  13. Nerf all one-shot mechanics (limit the damage received in a short period of time from a single player (class))