Ask your questions for the WoW Q&A here!

They probably won’t cover complex questions, but anyway - would be nice to hear if the wow team is considering to return to some vanilla-tbc-wotlk aspects:

-not sharded world - random outdoor interactions would matter again, realm communities would exist,

-remove autimatized systems like dungeon finder (since it teleports you straight inside the dungeon - it killed the meaning of travel and devalued the world’s size and danger, made people easily replaceable), keep the manual group finder

-actually interesting modern version of talent trees - less borrowed power dependence

-one raid difficulty - less power creep, completion of the raid would feel rewarding by itself, peaces of gear would feel unique again (maybe like first 1-2 bosses difficulty equals present normal raid difficulty, 3-5 = normal/heroic, 6-8 = heroic/mythic, and 9-12 are for top 1% guilds at first (for world first race potential) and for guilds with good players and great gear later)


We saw the Winter Queen’s energy being drained when reviving Ysera. Do all Eternal Ones possess this capacity (and limit)?

Would the Brokers ever consider joining World of Wacraft as a neutral race?
They would surely be interested in the Void and Light.

How was Nzoth unaware of Azshara’s schemes when is supposed to be so clever?

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When can we have the ability to blacklist certain BGs back? Failing that can you at least take Wintergrasp out of the random EBG rotation and either fix it or delete it, when attacking 9 times out of 10 its a guaranteed loss

  1. Why haven’t you combined the factions into one yet (arguments about “it’s a part of the lore” doesn’t work at all about 4 expansions. We have expamples that easy use pvp without global context.
  2. Will you ever move forward from conception “we will show you what you can do” to “create your own story”? (Legion-SL create tonn of “must have” content that don’t interest in long perspective.
  3. Will you give us guildhalls or similar social content to guilds?
  4. Will you continue to intagrate low-pop servers?
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tl;dr at the start: will shaman/enhancement shaman get a tank spec in the future?

Since the start of wow, enhancement shaman had some tendencies for tanking, from aggro generation on rockbiter, to shields and block chance, but it could never find its niche. However, in the recent times, enhancement tanks actually got to shine in mythic+ dungeons this expansion a bit, which begs the question, can shamans finally get a tank spec, to match their paladin and/or druid counterparts? An elemenetal warrior empowered by the power of earth? Now is the best time as any to make it happen, we see a 4th spec is possible, as druid showed us. We see dual-wielding tank is possible, as monk and demon hunter showed us. We see that any gear can be tank gear, as the lack of tank stats makes even the mail gear viable. And there are other agility tanks, all we need to make it happen is the force of will. So I’m asking, as an enhancement shaman for over a decade, is there a chance we will ever see it happen, a tanking enhancement-like shaman? There isn’t a better time for that than now.


Good day.
I don’t want to take a lot of time.
Therefore, the question is short, but exciting for 90% of the PvE community.
Is there a chance that the myth level will spread to 10 people.

Only 1 idea. Is there an option to add an item that can be used as a note so that players can create their own quests? and the player can see this note, if they are in groop with quest creator.
I apologize in advance for the inaccuracy in the translation.

Will we see Broxigar in the future?
Where Nathanos? Will they be together again? (I expected to see the news on Valentine’s day, but I did not wait)
Will there be any activity in the Whispering Grove?
Whether a modified formula for calculating the damage of the undead ( Burial touch) it’s useless right now
When we see a new character class, and it is desirable that they were a Necromancer

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Holy paladin question here - do you plan making Flash of light and Holy Light spells relevant? And ideally also Light of dawn so we have at least one AoE heal?

PVP Questrion:

Life as a filthy casual:

  • only playing pvp and world content
  • have 6 alts at 60
  • old and no reflexes (here since the start of vanilla)
  • can’t break 1400

The Question:
Will you implement some matchmaking changes?
Are you aware of the struggle?

I gathered all the gear i can from pvp so I’m around 200 ilvl.
The scenario:
Mithic 15+ dungeoner comes in beats me with no skill
Heroick raider comes in and beats me with no skill
PVP boosters come in and beat me in 2v1

The gap is way too much, if you play with randoms who quit after 3 matches and whisper you: you are **** !

Thank you

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Is Blizzard going to adress the repetitive gameplay and chore like gameplay?

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World boss fights (and some rare fights) can cause quite a bit of lag for anyone in the same zone.

Do you have any plans to address this?


Hi there! Any plans to unlock herbalism gathering from all mounts if player owns Sky Golem? Or maybe add mount equipment for it? There are many great mounts but many people can’t use them if they want to be effective. Cheers!


Will you make the unobtainable items from earlier expansions able to get again?
Like some hard to get archivements or bigger grinds, maybe even in a form of a TW event?

Mage Tower weapon transmogs (Legion)
Weapon transmogs (WOD)
Set transmogs (MOP)


Is there technical possibility to add viewing of great vault to mobile application and do you plan to add viewing of it in this case?

Do you guys have any plans of “fixing” the issue with characters looking bald when you use hat transmogs


Hello blizzard.

  1. Do you plan to rework the demonology specialization in the future?
  2. What do you think about the return of such abilities to the warlock as (dark restoration, angle rejection, reap of souls, metamorphosis)?
  3. Does the warlock have a game designer?

Will we be receiving more race / class combos given this is the expansion themed around customisation after all as the selling point instead of a new race / class

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When will you acknowledge the forgotten mage spec, Arcane???

And when will you realize you stopped before finishing the legendaries with only 3 unique arcane legendaries instead of 4 like the other classes and specs.

Btw. does anyone onboard blizzard even consider playing arcane themselves?

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What are the current thoughts on Legacy Raid content in Shadowlands? Despite 10 extra levels and multiple ilvls upwards, Legion legacy content -specifically- remains just as difficult as it was during BFA, while BFA content seems mostly the same in terms of difficulty.