Assa PvP - random bgs

EDIT: NVM FOUND A GOOD VIDEO WHICH ANSWERS THIS. I would delete this topic but it won’t let me.

Can someone help with rotations in random bgs please? I checked Icy veins but didn’t find it that helpful. I explained one of things I found confusing in my other post a little earlier, but another thing is that it gives a sustained damage rotation where you dot up as many people as possible. Should I do this in random bgs or will i use single target more often? Should I use the rotations they have on Icy Veins and if so, which of the 3 rotations they have there?


I’m basically looking for single and multi target rotations (sustain, burst and openers) for use in bgs and when to use each.

In particular their Burst rotation seems quite long winded. I’m not sure I wouldn’t want a quicker burst rotation in bgs, would I, if for example I’m wanting to kill some straggler quickly? If so, what would it look like exactly? I’m thinking of an opener that uses Vendetta (their opener doesn’t).

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